
There are satirical possibilities in making this Galaxy Quest: the Reboot with the inevitable younger and sexier versions of the originals. Of course the originals will still be around and in the show, if not the show-within-a-show. And only the originals know that the original show was not just a show but involved

Since Rickman is sadly unavailable, I think they really have to go with the notion that the show-within-a-show is a Star Trekkian reboot with younger versions of the characters in the roles and the older characters being shunted aside (but of course still major characters in the series).

Replace them all with statues of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. They'd all make beautiful statues! And something needs to be done with all that spare bronze we now have on our hands.

The Jetsons could be color-blind casting but we all know they'll be white and Mr. Spacely will be black even though Danny DeVito is perfect for the role.

I'm still waiting for Broom Hilda. Maybe Tarantino can take a crack at it?

Where are my flying cars and cities floating in the clouds? This could be fun. We have plenty of dystopian sci fi shows, one that's fun an optimistic wouldn't be out of line.

…and that is why HBO is not running more HBO Now type direct streaming services in more countries. They need to get in more practice. Apparently a LOT more practice.

There is nothing Trump's tax returns could contain that would make him more odious unless they were printed on a signed first edition of Mein Kampf.

How about Normal People Who Are Fed The Fuck Up With This Shit.

Hmm, somehow related to HBO's Confederate series? I got nuthin'.

Right now I just edit movies I don't like in my brain so that they're better. I'm already ahead of the trend!

And yet everyone screams about geo-blocking which is caused by non-global corporations. Can't have it both ways. Unless a distributor is global, it's incapable of sending everything to everyone at the same time. How would that even work?

Nah. They have a lot of work to do before their damn streaming service works well enough to take it global like everyone keeps screaming at them to do.

I'm sure Darth Vader is somebody's father.

HBO is trying to figure out how to do global streaming without falling on their faces. That's why they are just in a few countries and not all of them by Netflix and Amazon. Clearly they need more practice. That's just the tip of the iceberg of what they need to do to shape up their streaming service. They have a lot

If chunks of metal mean nothing, why did people bother putting them up in the first place?

I thought you were going to say"…and then the water ran into the holes left by the monuments and caused devastating flooding!"

Recast them as monuments to Civil Rights heroes. Or just some random manatee (I think that was the idea somewhere…)

Good job, Baltimore!

There are black writers working on this show, the Spellmans. Maybe they have different ideas other than the rather crass notions in your head.