
Brilliant rejoinder.

They should actually just keep quiet. There's nothing much to discuss till the show is ready for viewing. It's all just people's assumptions now.

At least half. There are many excellent actors from the late, lamented Underground that should be hired for this show. I hope they have a strong stomach because all the internet screamers will attack them for being "house slaves" and whatnot.

My guess is that Confederate will be full of noble, heroic black slaves and blacks sneaking in from the North on a latter day Underground Railroad and maybe some white heroic characters too but mainly they will be black, and there will be a ton of evil white people, some of them sort of minor-evil and cringing and

Hmm. Gonna have to try that one again because what you wrote make no sense at all. Things happen differently in the Handmaid's Tale too.

Uh, neither of those things are true unless you have a time machine to the future and can see how this show turns out. You're just imagining how it might turn out. Unless you are on the staff for this show, what you imagine has nothing to do with how they will make it.

I'm female so I should be able to censor The Handmaid's Tale. I don't care that millions of people watch it and enjoy it. They should be ashamed of themselves. They are bad people for willingly watching a depiction of a horrible, misogynistic system and they must be misogynists themselves.

Seriously? Somebody's jealous that somebody else gets laid sometimes…

HBO should pick up the very deserving Underground, which depicts actual, not alt, history of slavery and was cancelled for low ratings because as it turns out, not many people actually care about this stuff. Maybe you gotta alt-history it just to get ratings.

None of us have any idea how this show will turn out. Good, bad, offensive, innocuous, stupid, brilliant, etc. We. Have. No. Idea. This show does not exist yet. Until it does, there is nothing to talk about, at least not anything intelligent, other than I suppose HBO's public relations handling of their announcement,

Isn't the fact that there are Confederate monuments all over the place all the more reason to make this show?

I replay it on a regular basis. Never. Gets. Old.

Perfect idea for a sitcom title! Imagine if you live in a nice neighborhood and these new people move in next door. They seem nice and all but have some odd opinions and sometimes dress strangely. Slowly it dawns on you…your neighbors are neo-Nazis! Hijinks ensue.

As part of The Americans' backstory, Stan Beeman (the FBI guy) was formerly assigned to infiltrate a white supremacist group before he got assigned to tracking the KGB in Washington. That would make a good series. Just find a young Noah Emmerich and the story practically writes itself. Envision Sons of Anarchy, but

I plan to give it five minutes to impress me, and then another five and another five…if I watch the whole episode then it's passed the test. No need to bother with anyone else's reviews when it's so easy to decide for yourself.

Eh. I think of him a tick over in the blue direction.

Even Hitler cat is cute.

Next time there's a terrorist attack by Islamicists rather than neo-Nazis, I'm sure Trump will remind us all that we should consider the benefits of life under shariah law. Wouldn't want to be narrow-minded now would we?

Make them watch Entourage with all the Ari scenes deleted. That will show them!

Shonda has the ability to bring in an audience that isn't currently subscribing to Netflix, so my hunch is that this might work out better. Also I doubt her shows are massively over budgeted like those two. Luhrmann and the Wachowskis came from film. Shonda knows the realities of TV production.