
My “real” name (nerdrage) was available on AVClub but not on Kinja - I already logged on here a while back with a BS version of my name.

The reason Netflix doesn't share user data is neither enigmatic nor vacuous. It's because they don't have ads, therefore no advertisers they need to share viewing data with. So why share data that can be used by competitors to out-compete them or by the people making shows and movies for them, to demand a higher fee?

Hah hah! How many people know the reference?

That Terminator stuff was supposed to have happened by now right? I haven't even read any cyberpunk (is that the right word?) stories yet, much less experienced them. Snowcrash is still sitting on my shelf.

I never believed a year with 2 at the start would really happen! Oh how young we were.

Cities in the sky. Where are my cities in the SKY!

Only 5 billion years to go!

Shit I remember 1979. Jimmy Carter, stagnation and malaise. And I didn't even notice there was a friggen eclipse in my neighborhood either!

On my way to the eclipse in central Oregon, I visited the Redwoods National Park which Trump hasn't parceled off to Monsanto yet. The world still seems pretty okay to me.

You were supposed to buy them weeks ago! I have about ten to give away. Are you in Central Oregon by any chance near a rather ratty Howard Johnsons that looked a shitload better on the website?

I can fully envision Danny DeVito in both scenarios.

Yeah too bad that anchor didn't realize what his name would signify in 2017…

Galaxy Quest: By Grabthar's Reboot!

Okay are we set on the rebooted-show-within-a-show idea? Good, so here's the younger, hotter version of Galaxy Quest, who are blithely unaware that they are also embroiled in a real-life interstellar war that the original characters are still battling.

The show within a show should be a reboot with new actors playing the original roles, the original actors having been shunted aside and embittered, living Bojack Horseman lives.

Yeah pretty much everyone except Allen is very welcome to return.

It's already got a huge tool, do we really need a new one?

And only 1/3 of them were any good.

Yep. The joke is that the rebooted actors have no clue that they are expected to be actual space heroes and won't believe the old codgers who are trying to warn them and are probably just suffering from dementia due to being over 40.

Humans evolved from Republicans, yet Republicans are still around.