
Yeah, I think Netflix is looking around now and asking "so what demographics don't we have subscribing yet?" and they're going after them specifically. They probably are light on the black female demo. They sure liked 13 Reasons Why a lot - I bet they saw a bunch of new subscribers coming in from the younger demo

And you're only allowed to give it one of two ratings: Chateau Rothschild Lafite or Thunderbird.

This could be good if Shonda feels a bit freer to make stuff that wouldn't be approved by McDonald's and GM. Netflix really doesn't need more bland broadcasty crap. They've started making bland broadcasty crap themselves (why? they don't have advertisers.) What a waste.

Why not? I just went to one of those blogs where they yack about stocks and lectured everyone who thinks "Netflix is doomed" because of their excessive P/E or some such shit that they should visit places like this to get a sense of why Netflix is not at all doomed, not when people keep saying "I'll give Netflix my

Netflix streaming + DVD for me. $17 and I get everything. I share a friend's Amazon account so I can see The Man in the High Castle and that's about it…

Yeah they knew exactly what was going to happen when Hollywood studios realize they are the Evil Queen to Netflix's Snow White. They started planting apple trees so they didn't have to eat no poisoned ones!

I think it'll work out just fine. It'll be a decent series, which won't stop everyone from screaming at it for not being exactly what they want in all ways (I personally will never forgive it for not being the post-Dominion-War series starring Elim Garak of my dreams).

It's interesting from a business news perspective.

I don't think anyone is paying attention to DVD. They think it's just dying off…maybe it is, but slowly…frankly I'm keeping my netflix DVDs while all this nonsense gets sorted out.

BEST case. Sarajevo isn't irradiated.

Hey maybe at long last Cheetolini is honest enough to admit Duke is telling the truth?

Running people over in a car is terrorism in Europe. I hope terrorism charges are forthcoming in this case too.

He did gas the mentally challenged, didn't he?

Gick. And people complain about HBO encouraging racists with Confederate. How about we leave HBO alone and censor this clown.

Disney doesn't want them. They are planning a family friendly service. Disney might make their own Marvel shows for their service in the future, but they will be appropriate for children and The Punisher better not show up.

It may be intended as a joke, but it's not really a joke. It would be perfectly possible for Netflix for example to start charging by the episode/movie. They just create another service that sits alongside their current subscription one. They could have a cheaper ad-supported tier. It's just slicing and dicing what

Short term, there will be a couple dozen services jostling around (I think there already is).

Disney's service is going to be for harried parents when little Madison screeches that she needs to see Frozen 2 and she needs to see it NOW! That's a good "customer use case" for building a Netflix/Amazon competitor. Parents will pay five or ten bucks to shut Madison up. Since Disney can do it, they are doing it.

Watch the first episode. If you're still awake by the end (I wasn't) keep going. It helps to care a lot about the troubles of dull, mediocre people who nobody would care about except for an accident of birth.