
I lasted five minutes.

Clearly Thor is overqualified for the job.

No you don't have to hear both sides. Google is a corporation formed for the purpose of making shareholders money. It is not a debating society. Employees are hired and fired on this basis: are you helping Google make money? If not, you got no paycheck and no right to a paycheck. Where is that money coming from?

If it hurts Google's brand image and disrupts employee productivity badly, then sure. Depends on the business's customer base and the type of employees they seek to hire and retain.

Just the fact that he was disrupting employee morale badly would be grounds for termination. He's having a negative impact on other employees, impacting their productivity, maybe giving them notions about quitting. That'll hit the bottom line.

Okay I'm a woman and I do work in tech and ya know what, there are general differences between men and women. My observation is that women are better at synthesis (bringing elements together) and men are better at analysis (breaking things apart).

Uh huh. And you know this, being a woman yourself, right?

Simple. Gender swap.

Saw this story at the same time as the GLOW renewal. Win some, lose some.

He's one of the best actors, so why not? Him and Betty Gilpin…

One of my favorite Netflix shows. Not surprising…

Sasha Baron Cohen has first dibs on that role.

The premise must be, all of them survived, otherwise how did they generate such a range of offspring in just a few generations?

The Zuckerborg needs no sleep.

That's one of Facebook's hot new shows, how did you guess?

This is no-susbscription, therefore it will be ad-supported, therefore the videos will be stupid, cheap crap aimed at getting Millennials to watch the ads.

Yeah thats what gets me, why should the actors be the weak link? I believe there are maybe a few desperate out of work actors in the greater LA area who might not balk at even being in some nerd bullshit for no pay…anything to get your face seen.

"Ad Age" was your clue that that's about broadcast, which is ad supported and which nobody is watching so yeah broadcast is dying…

How about a dark and gritty series about working in a coal mine? For once, that description will not be a cliche!

7.5 billion people on planet Earth…okay let's cut that in half because lots of them have no spare money or time for streaming videos on cell phones but that still leaves a LOT of people. Most of them have absolutely no idea yet that they need to see a series about teenage vampire hacker pirates.