
In Soviet Russia, Netflix watches YOU!

Confused consumers opt for market leaders. This will benefit Netflix and Amazon.

This is a clever corporate strategy. The next step is to purchase an NBA franchise. Imagine the synergy!

It will be too easily confused with Daredevil, once Dunkin Donuts completes their corporate transition to becoming a purveyor of coffee, pastries, and vigilante justice with religious angst on the side.

They should just go for: DUNK!

We all know about Spock's obsession with Kirk's uh Lucky Charms. But we do not discuss that sort of fanfic in a family forum.

The last thing he needs is to be even more full of himself!

Nah, they just drink a lot of Gatorade.

I'll pay $10 next April when all the episodes are up. It's worth that much for the curiosity factor alone. I pay more for all sorts of stupid shit, so why not this?

The Russkies speak Klingonese? (I guess I'm not a true nerd sigh).

Yeah. They should have told Dorn to give him a stern look and say nothing.

I thought it had to do with Trip's vanished turtle collection. And they always thought Porthos ate them.

TOS was almost banned in the South because Spock was too devilish with those eyebrows and ears and general Jewish look. Imagine if he were actually red! That makes him not just a devil but a Commie to boot. Too on the nose?

Not the Nielsens, that's for sure. Nyuck nyuck.

Too edgy for broadcast. (Personally I found it not edgy enough.)

I'm still waiting for the time travel episode. And the musical episode.

Makes me happy I stopped bothering with broadcast TV eons ago.

Okay I know I shouldn't encourage invasions of privacy - but I wonder if the hack was recent enough to include the flurry of panicky emails that no doubt went around when everyone realized how badly they'd blown the introduction of Confederate?

I'm just hearing a lot of farting noises. Oh wait it's my roommate.

Lots of people will watch it on Netflix. CBS will still get paid - by Netflix. Then CBS will make more sex magicks (???) shows in a bid to get someone to watch their service. They won't give up easily.