
People must have no imagination at all. They think there's just one way to do this premise (the worst way, and the least plausible way when you consider HBO's audience of rich liberals). There are any number of ways to do this premise and until we see something on screen, no way to tell anything about its quality.

Outer space! Dinosaurs! Zombies! Nazi zombies riding dinosaurs in outer space!

“Let us make the show before you judge it."

THAT was the scene that sold me. The cavalier way that cop talked about "oh that's just them burning the cripples on Tuesday" really conveyed the horror of that series. Very effective. I hope Confederate is like that.

Well you can refuse to watch HBO. If you live in the South, you can't change the channel on reality (except by moving) so if you're willing to tolerate that, a mere TV show is nothing.

Oh I've seen them. Check out, which they seem to have colonized. Librul MSM making us look bad again blah blah blah…

No it's not undoubtably a bad idea. You just lack imagination. This concept could be done in such a vast number of ways that there's no telling how it will turn out (but since its made by HBO for their usual audience of rich liberals, I can narrow down the possibilities pretty well and none of them will make

So what if bad people are entertained by it. I'm sure some people who watched Married With Children were jerks. Should we ban all shows for being watched by jerks?

Even if that were true, so the fuck what? It's fictional entertainment.

Are neo Nazi dicknuts watching The Man in the High Castle? Probably some are. Funny how it's no big deal.

I can separate enjoying an actor's skill and not enjoying the nasty person they are portraying. But apparently this is beyond some people.

And John Smith is the most popular character in The Man in the High Castle! Imagine if they cast some actor in Confederate as a Simon Legree type slaveowner/CEO and he kicks ass in the role and everyone loves him. The internet will go insane! Personally I can't wait.

Well at least you admit it. But they're not that scary, really. (Some of the acting in The Man in the High Castle is somewhat scary, I'll admit).

Trump voters watch HBO?

But Amazon and Hulu get a pass because fascism and misogyny are okay. You sjw types need to be more vigilant about the horrors of alt-history fiction! All sorts of terrible stuff is getting in under your watch.

The PR folks need to stop using the photo of the white dudes acting all privileged at the Emmys and start using photos of their black EPs to shut up the sjw types. The rest of us will happily wait to actually watch the damn show before flipping out about it. Crazy, I know.

This is an awfully serious thread for this joint. AVC's usual modus operandi is to get completely goofy about a show like this. I say give it a chance!

And a savior comes to rescue us from the bad Mexican hombres, bearing a strange orange glow and something that looks like a cockapoo on his head.

And they had an orgy where they show their boobies.

You'd probably get keyed.