
Shhhh, that's Season 3 of Bojack Horseman.

You're ignoring the definite racial component of slavery. It was about social control, not just getting free labor. The Confederacy gained support of poor whites by promising them that even if they were never going to be rich, they could see themselves as the equal of rich white men due to their skin color alone.

HBO should fuck with everyone by making it hard to tell this show from our daily reality.

Yeah maybe if the UK and France came in on the Confederate side to keep from losing access to the cotton…or someone besides Lincoln was elected, managed to inspire secession but wasn't nearly as good a leader…

err indignation?

Click bait man, click bait. And look at this thread! IT WORKED! We're all suckers hahahahaha.

GAH! I'll stick with the reality where the Nazis win. And Spock has a beard.

It's a fictionalized version of a historical event. I'll allow it.

Don't stupid crackers deserve HBO too? Wait, can they afford it? They'll just steal a hookup from Jimbo in the next trailer over.

One in four motherfuckers are unlikely to be hired by HBO to make shows for them anytime soon. But I hear A&E is hiring…

Benioff & Weiss have a couple of black EPs on staff and I bet they get promoted more in the PR after this. Philip K. Dick wasn't Jewish although his third wife apparently was.

Ya know what, that sort of happened. The Underground Railroad gets more press but the number of slaves who escaped before the war was dwarfed by the mass defections from plantations during the war - right to the Union lines - men, women and children. Think of that, refugees in a war fleeing TO the battle, not away.

The Confederacy wasn't as bad as the Nazis. The Confederates thought of themselves as the inheritors of the American Revolution. They believed in the values of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They just thought it applied only to white men. And frankly, wasn't that true of the Founding Fathers

I love the warmed over tropes at the snack bar.

Hmm? Breaking Bad's premise was that cooking meth is bad. No shit. I guess that was a terrible series.

There are people who would defend the Confederacy. I say let this show bring them out of the woodwork (maybe literally) so we can mock them. Mock, I say!


Only if they do a Confederate episode. Hmm did they?

Lookit this thread go! If nothing else, this show would be a boon to click rates for sites like this. AV Club should be rooting for it!

The Man in the High Castle suggests that America loves to indulge in the fantasy of enslavement for all Americans. Is that better because it's equal? It's sort of a serious question.