
I didn't buy the notion that Man in the High Castle is not as offensive. It's about Nazis and Nazis believed in slavery for the whole world, including Aryans, who served as cannon fodder if male and as breeding stock if female. Some master race. The Confederacy actually believed in the values of the American

But that "Reproduction" number was so catchy!

Maybe we could have Grease 3 set in an alt-history Confederacy? Everybody wins!

Underground was basically this story but in the real world not alt history. Sadly it was cancelled so I guess that fantasy aspect is mandatory. But Underground had plenty of black people working on it, so nobody complained. This is mainly a PR issue. They have a couple black EPs that they can tout in future PR.

Oh they started the moment this show was announced. Waa waa waa. Let them whine so we can make fun of them.

Oh just let them make this show. The internet discussions will be hysterical.

People who watch HBO aren't elitist? Amazon is for buying a bunch of junk on the cheap. That doesn't scream elite to me.

The 1858 rebellion was used by white supremacists in the Confederacy as a defense of slavery. Look what the brown people get up to when you give them a little freedom! Keep them down as much as possible or they get out of control.

They saw themselves as the true inheritors of the American Revolution. It's just that they only thought equality should apply to white men.

Yeah. It's because the North had no stomach to really treat the South as occupied territory and remake its culture. After ten years of flailing around they basically packed up and went home. As long as the South behaved themselves and didn't start another war, and remembered to wave the Stars & Stripes all over the

It's been exaggerated by the Lost Cause types tho.

Yeah well white Americans of the 19th C were not going to stomp other white Americans to favor black Americans. Wouldn't even today but back then, it's asking too much.

They even tried this concept, but the black people are the slavemasters. Okay that was not Trek's finest hour. Hopefully HBO can do a bit better.

I don't think this is a positive sort of fantasy anymore than The Man in the High Castle is a fantasy about the Axis winning WWII or The Handmaid's Tale being a fantasy of misogyny.

No boobies or rape, right?

They hired a couple of black EPs according to Deadline. After the hooplah that is happening, those two will be promoted more in the PR count on it.

Thank you God. This will be FUN.

So they're selling mixed drinks in the drive-through? Gotta love that!

It's about bees and Trump. Hmm. Something bout mindless drones?

Sounds great, but it'll die on NBC. Do a streaming deal, Dan!