
I'm confused. Isn't Robert Plant a Wookie?

Still doesn't interest me in Doctor Who (I've tried to get into it, honest) but at least they're catching up with the 21st C at long last.

The guy in your avatar would make a pretty good Doctor Who.

Kurt Sutter is bringing them back.

Print a coupon for a return visit on the back. Then the customer turns the tent back in for another meal and can keep the new one etc. 25 cents for about 100 effective business generating coupons is a bargain, especially since with greater volume, I'm sure the production price will drop greatly.

Oh come on. Just put the movies on Netflix like God intended. Stupid like a FOX huh?

He's too good for Ivanka. He's a Big Lebowski in training.

Bingo makes that flak jacket look cool! Good job, Bingo!

I'm good. I never bother to call any company's customer service. I just assume I'll be on hold for the next 12 hours.

The Americans should win everything its nominated for which is still too little.

This is the sort of thing that gets planets destroyed by pissed off asteroid-worshipping aliens. So when it happens, remember you heard it here first.

So Hall is going to put on a British accent the whole time? That should be weird.

Huh? It wasn't something to do with "The Chinese like movies about hordes of interchangeable small yellow people? Weird."

So they fell asleep and instantly became comatose? Cuz the stewardesses will jostle your shoulder to wake you up and stow your damn shit. Moral of the story: overprivileged idiots who think they are above the rules should pay to charter their own plane.

Well I doubt they're going to bother with closure for Marco Polo, Hemlock Grove or The Get Down. But Sense8 garnered too much ill will for them to do otherwise.

MST3K must cost about seventy cents. Netflix might have forgotten to renew it because the line item is so far down the excel spreadsheet.

That seems only fair. Netflix has enough money, they can afford it.

I don't think this is gonna work on a TV budget. Did they film the Inhuman Royal Palace scenes at the Honolulu courthouse? Also the guy from GoT needs to work on his American accent, it's pretty rough there…you'd think they'd check these things in the audition process.

I woulda gone with Washington DC. Except 1/3 might be understating things.

In this era of Peak TV, any random idea you can think of is already underway.