
Then you'll love this.

Yeah it's dumb but it's been going on pretty much forever and it does put butts in seats instead of people trooping off to see Aladdin or The Lion King or whatever other Disney show is dominating Broadway right now. There's dumb and then there's dumb.

Somebody really needs to put a stop to Cats once and for all. Maybe they can go after that one next?

Sequential subscriptions. Just go round and round, who says you need to subscribe to all of them at once? Or in SeeSo's case, at all.

The trouble is, they're not really small. They're all arms of some mega-corp who thinks gosh darn it why don't we have a streaming service of our very own? If Verizon or Viacom or Virgin Airlines wants their own stupid streaming service, they've got the money to bankroll it and be obnoxious about not shuttering it

Not burst so much as a slow-motion deflation. Too many of these stupid corporations think streaming is the Next Big Thing which it may be but guess what the time to make your move was five years ago! It's too late now.

We don't need 50 streaming services. About 44 of them should die. Put them all in a room and let them fight it out.

Maybe they figure it will be a cluster early on and they want to work out the kinks before anyone actually gives a shit.

When the actual Olympics are on, and they have a streaming channel to feed into, there's no excuse not to cover the Olympics end to end. Every event, every team. Then give us sorting mechanisms by country, sport, etc. If we want to just see the American teams, that should be possible. If we want to see everything but

It's about time there's a damn way to stream the Olympics. But if they expect us to pay to watch ads - deal breaker right there. Otherwise, I might check it out when the Olympics are actually on.

No, your friends may have a modicum of intelligence. The show was really dumbed down, to an insulting degree.

Get people who know what they're talking about for the roundtables, not hip hop artists and supermodels.

It's cheap like Bill Nye. Bet it gets the nod.

Hooray! Now how about a bit more science next season, Bill? The first season seemed a bit dumbed down. I know you're trying to speak to Millennials in their own language, but some of them must have an IQ above room temperature, surely!

"Just because we make Adam Sandler movies does not mean you are required to watch them. Just wanted to clarify that point."

Turning WHAT off again?

Also, mass graves from the periodic plagues that swept through Europe. I'd be less worried about reanimated zombies than about catching something nasty and very much non-supernatural…

Okay here's my theory. There are two types of people in the world, those who will see a five star system and use it as a bell curve with 1 and 5 stars being rare, most things being 2-3-4, maybe the curve is skewed towards the 4 end because people will do a bit of pre-viewing filtering to avoid stuff they know they

Change your password.

The star system gave me pretty accurate ratings. This new system was funky as hell at first (75% match for the original Twilight Zone? Netflix, you are so mean!) but it seems to have settled down somewhat, no doubt because it required people to input a lot of fodder to get it back to anything resembling sanity. What