
Too bad about this story. Watch GLOW to make it up to her. Unlike the stupid Nielsens, with Netflix you actually do count.

I watched the show all the way through and I'm pretty sure they were making fun of douches. And yeah I'm a girl.

Don't worry, they should just watch The Man in the High Castle, where the Nazi guy is the coolest character.

He's getting exactly what he deserves.

Yeah what was all that stuff about Duncan's sons finding refuge in England? Scots must spit in fury at that line. And Henry VIII is unbelievably sanitized! I guess Queen Liz wouldn't have liked an honest story about the parents.

Nope. And this great PR boost will make this play so popular you'll be lucky if you can get seats now.

Can Brutus be played by Jared Kushner? I'll book a ticket to NYC just to see that.

Shakespeare! So much losing!

I'll bet a lot of people sign up for Netflix to see an Adam Sandler movie. He's very popular overseas. Most importantly, people who otherwise wouldn't bother with Netflix are probably attracted by his movies, as horrible as they may be. And Netflix can tell when that happens too.

How do you know they just use viewing metrics without correlating them to subscription behavior? I assume they have some way of correlating shows with subscriptions (either inducing people to try the free trial month or keep going after it expires).

You got it. Hastings means he wants to free up a big chunk of money by cancelling expensive shows so he can experiment with a lot of crazy ideas, most of which he expects will fail. And they won't even get a second season either.

Here's the problem, they tried that and it didn't bring in the audience. Hastings is fine with risky shows, but he's also fine with cancelling them fast if they don't deliver. So the next risky, edgy show will have to prove itself quickly, or it's on to the next and the next and the next…

Somebody tell JMS to do a deal with Netflix to bring back Babylon 5. I know some of the actors are deceased but it could be largely new characters.

MST3K can't have a big budget, not unless it's going up everyone's nose. That should help a lot. Netflix is cancelling expensive shows to free up cash to do more shows. It doesn't want a big chunk of budget tied up in shows that have already demonstrated they aren't pulling in an audience.

I watched the first season all the way through. It got somewhat better but it's still not compelling storytelling. And my standards aren't really that high. I loved The OA, for example (a show with a puny budget that I'm sure is very safe as a result).

I doubt Sense8's cancellation will tank Netflix's stock. More likely, it will go up. The constant drumbeat about Netflix stock is, it's overpriced, the business model is a bubble that is going to burst, it's too risky. Netflix being willing to cancel high priced shows makes investors feel better.

Netflix isn't necessarily going cheap, but they need a show to deliver. HBO does the same, just ask the producers of Vinyl. Show biz is a business.

I guess it comes as a shock to people to find that Netflix is a business and not a charity.

Some suit decided that DS9 and TNG were too obscure and not worth the risk. TOS is still the most famous especially with the movies now.

Nooooo it makes sense! It does…okay fine. Bring back Kirk with a green babe on his left arm, a blue babe on his right, a tribble on his shoulder and Harcourt "Fenton" Mudd throwing a quantum banana peel in his path.