
Jeffrey Combs, Marc Alaimo, Nana Vistor, Casey Biggs, Rene Auberjonois, and Armin Shimmerman as ANYONE. Do it!

I could see the Trump spawn as a particularly nasty breed of Romulan.

Aw man, TOS retro with Fuller's talent would have been awesome!

Okay are you Gene Roddenberry reincarnated?

What no, Kilometers O'Keefe! Star Trek is metric!

Nooooo! Don't bring it back just when it was DEAD!

You've always been paying. That's what the ads are for. Nobody makes Star Trek for free unless they're making something painfully and hilariously cheap that will get their butts sued if it ever starts to look good.

I remember when people objected to the new Paramount movies because "Star Trek needs to go fallow." But the movies made money and apparently you like them enough to think the mediocre Star Trek Beyond was "great."

Have you seen TV ratings? They're in the toilet and circling the drain. Why do people want to tether Star Trek's future to a dying medium?

As long as its clear that he and Quinto are visiting from the bad lame Paramount universe and are not the real Kirk and Spock!!!

Nah, it'll be on Netflix in most of the world and Netflix is basically paying for the whole production. Star Trek on Netflix is about as guaranteed a hit as you can hope for.

Ahhh but then it's in that bad universe we don't like!!!

Young Sinatra and Billie Holliday.

Why isn't this already a Netflix series?

I still think the Manitowoc County sheriff's department had her murdered. Why the heck isn't anyone suspecting them?

I know this could all be edited and faked up the wazoo, but…

I haven't seen this season yet but Bokeem Woodbine was a serious contender for MVP in season 2. Why no mention of him?

The example of his "brilliant line" in this article sure makes it sound like he's a stock character. I hope that's not an indication of the level of writing this season.

Movie theaters of the world, bow to the inevitable. You are the home of superheroes, Star Wars and Vin Diesel from here on out. Netflix and Amazon get the rest. You'll still make millions so what are you complaining about?

Because the pre-apocalypse that we are now living in is so damn nerve-wracking! I wish those stupid glaciers would just melt and get it over wth.