
Not insane or wrinkled enough. Substitute: Jessica Lange.

Between this and the new Star Trek series, there's a renaissance afoot for commie sci fi!

You can't go wrong with Comic Sans.

Err…people watch those Adam Sandler movies in droves. Start pestering Netflix subscribers to stop watching and those movies will go away. PS don't pester me, I lasted 4 minutes into The Ridiculous Six.

The only way we could have an even worse president now is if Adam Sandler and Kim Kardashian have some sort of spawn.

China sure liked it:

"Basically, it’s like Firefly with an awesome, jazzy soundtrack, and some people—particularly those who really enjoy starting fights on the internet—might even suggest that Cowboy Bebop is superior to that space show in virtually every way."

You're close to correct. If a show or movie flops, then the blame game starts. If you produced a Known Brand Name like Ghost in the Shell etc, then you have a defense. If you were stupid and tried something original, then it's your fault for taking a stupid risk and you get fired.

This hacker reminds me of some old grandpa who gets on the freeway going the wrong way.

Most of CBS's audience can't turn on their computer till their grandkids come to visit.

CBS's Big Bang Theory is a perennial favorite of pirates, which is more than ABC can say for their entire lineup. Believe it or not:

It's some sort of avant garde performance art. I'm sure of it.

Can the hacker fix Medusa's wig please?

They should do a Better Call Saul style spinoff starring Frieda.

Orange New Is Black? The hacked version was so bad, even the name was wrong!

If he finds something on ABC worth stealing, I'll give him a medal. MAoS maybe, but it's mainly just disposable fun. Happy to wait for it on Netflix, not gonna jump thru hoops for it.

I want 2000 rocks so I can throw them at idiots who think the Grand Canyon was created in six days.

If they had to give rocks to every nut job in the world, the Grand Canyon would be an empty ditch in no time.

I thought it was feeding the squirrels.

Why does he need to collect rocks? He has plenty in his head.