
Saying things at my TV is always high stakes for me! Say the wrong thing and *she* comes out…again…

This sounds just like the type of convoluted high-concept fodder that gets cancelled on networks in three…two…

Lose the beard and he might look like Ron Livingston! What is he waiting for???

I would have said a "stan" was something you add to a country's name if you think it's a shithole run by violent psychos.

Well if we're playing that game, teleport me back to Shakespeare's Globe Theater! Then I'll catch up on the lost plays of Aeschylus…

I wish I had discovered DS9 before it was already in season 6 and I had to scramble to catch up with the reruns.

Shooting in London sounds expensive. All Netflix shows henceforth will be filmed in the greater Vancouver area and pretend to be either Seattle, New England or outer space. Like God intended!

He means he's going to cancel a show like Sense8, which doesn't have enough people watching to justify the budget, and try five new shows with a budget on the level of The OA to find that one elusive hit.

I planned to watch the premiere of S2 to make a decision once and for all whether to continue with it. I guess that's moot now!

I couldn't get into it. But Netflix better not fuck with The OA!

Big content creators don't want global streaming. It threatens their very lucrative current business of selling rights to various distributors piecemeal.

That's gonna happen anyway.

Trump was half right there.

This is more of a challenge to creative producers to bring their crazy ideas to Netflix where they will get a try out (and possibly get cancelled, but when you are being crazy, that's a risk you have to take.)

I'm hoping if I rate more of their thumbs, my predictions will go back to being basically accurate like in the good old days.

I'm halfway thru S3 and they don't need 5 seasons. There's no way the Rayburns' secret is going to stay quiet for 2 more years. I'm waiting for Kevin to break down and confess in the courtroom. The Rayburns are not the Sopranos, they don't have the stomach for this shit.

This is good news. There's too much samey stuff that Netflix is making - remakes of old shows for instance. They need to think about making shows nobody else would touch. Like it or hate it, The OA is a good example of a creative risk. Can you see that on a network or any cable channel?

They are jealous of Marvel & DC movies and all their money, that's why.

Hah! Called it!

So do boys! Purportedly.