
Awww that's what happened to it? I have fond memories of it.

Now let her take over the Dysfunctional Family Circus strip.

Looks better than Vinyl or The Get Town, but will that name poop the party?

Spicer is covfibbing.

The cool kids know what this means. If you don't, you're not one of the cool kids.

"Buried" was too obvious of a punchline, Dave?

And risk Burger King starting to sell Flemish Fries? No idea why, but that sounds both unappetizing and possibly pornographic.

I prefer Colt 45, the Mack Daddy of Beers.

I know better to google Ronald McDonald. I don't need butt nekked clown images in my brain. Oh no that is NOT where you put the red nose!

This could be interesting if the intent is to lead Dev into becoming the villain in his own story, not through evil but through obliviousness. He's a charming guy but the central vapidity in his core is continually off-putting in the context of romance (in the context of family, friends and career, it seems less

Same here. I enjoy everything about this show except Dev's romantic escapades. He comes off as too infantile for me to believe he's capable of an adult relationship, and I don't see any chemistry between him and his various romantic crushes, so there's nothing at stake here.

I still haven't gotten over losing Adventure Through Innerspace. Brought to you by Monsanto! (Maybe it'll be back with an Ant-Man theme.)

Bug's Life will die so that Ant-Man: The Microverse can be born!

Isn't that already called Las Vegas?

Trump has a big constituency among rutabagas and hogs.

Interesting. Breitbart's appeal is chiefly to be always in the opposition. Maybe they should switch to left wing moonbattery for the duration of Trump's reign.

Sounds like a reality show where people compete to make the best pie. Loser gets pies thrown at him.

No $$$ back to Showtime from torrents so they don't count.

You can stream the new Twin Peaks on Netflix? Where is that possible?

The long weekend has only just begun, and already we are bored with our toys.