
I've heard they have a whole subway for rats.

Hah, you just wait till I open my Cockroach Cafe for all the real hipsters.

Too intellectual for SF residents. "Rat-atooey" would be more like it.

I have a laundry list of movies I want to see, but none of Amazon's movies are on that list. Oh well it's not like I pay for Amazon anyway (looks around furtively).

I dunno. Looks like it's trying to hard to be a Bloodline replacement. So over the top, it's veering into comic territory. Or maybe that's the Bateman effect.

Seriously? His cuz is a major hottie. More of him next year please.

These puns are especially fowl today.

Where's my Poe Dameron full body pillow? Oh ok. I'm all set. He's sitting next to me in the next movie by the way.

That spoiler sounds more interesting than you probably intended.

For some reason I hear that as song lyrics.

Haven't you heard? They're busy boycotting the new Star Trek series now.

Subconsciously he wanted to lose because he's so angsty and conflicted.

Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's…oh forget it.

Good idea for the character. Now the writers have to give Driver something to work with to validate that idea.

But Dracula 100 1/2 is a work of stunning genius.

Ah the one lucky person who's never seen the prequels! Congratulations sir or baby as the case may be.

Comment / user name concordance.

He needs to get super scary or scary at all. I'm sure Driver could do it, but the writers need to do something about him to make him a plausible villain (or anti-hero if that's where they want to go). That's probably the biggest job for the next movie. After that, more Poe Dameron and I'm all set.

He doesn't want any slash rumors to start up about him and Finn.

Just wait till Disney gets it into their heads to make a live action remake of their own King Arthur animated movie a la The Jungle Book. It will be a rip-roaring box office success. They're probably already working on it now.