
If that was in a business publication, that's not surprising. Everyone talks like that because that's how they think of movies. Even the good ones.

According to box office mojo…was this movie even released?!?

Thor is Marvel, a Big Freaking Brand Name. That also covers Guardian of the Galaxy.

It's simple. If you are Star Freaking Wars, then you can get away with unknown lead actors. If you don't have a brand name franchise, you better hire Tom Freaking Cruise.

Who knows what they expected. What attracts live viewing is different from what attracts signups. Showtime is in the same boat as everyone else, trying to figure out how to survive in the new world of streaming. They found out something valuable here: Twin Peaks gets subscriptions. What's the lesson, re-make more

If you want Showtime to imitate Netflix and Amazon and expand overseas, just wait. I'm sure that's in the cards for anyone who can pull it off. But you're expecting them to put the cart before the horse here.

I don't think they count overseas ratings in stories like this anyway. But the larger point is that the Showtime signups are very significant and nobody is talking about the license fees Showtime is getting for deals like Sky TV, which are probably a significant revenue source for them. Just generally, live TV is

She should wear that dress to the Oscars.

I wanna wait and binge watch it while on shrooms.

Netflix is on your lawn. Whatchoo gonna do about it?

Wait till the episodes are all up. Shit, wait till season two episodes are all up. You can watch two seasons of a show in a month. Money and patience are the tradeoff here.

Hmm, possible.

And what's going on globally? This show must have strong licensing revenue.

Deadline also reported the record signups. And I wouldn't worry too much about this show. The hardest job Showtime has is to get a new person to register even for a free month. Retaining existing subscribers is the second hardest, and good ratings might indicate you're doing that, but getting brand new people into the

It's already make 2x as much money in foreign box office compared with domestic. Usually it takes a bit of time for foreign to catch up. Yeah this one is mainly made for the foreign audience. They probably knew all along Americans wouldn't watch which is why people are saying "bad marketing" because they didn't see

Not reacting would not make them vanish. They would just keep trying. What else do they have?

The scientology gag was the best part of the episode.

Except she's old enough to be his big sister so no problemo.

In real life, Death Castle would be a flop or at best a cult hit.