
I also loved Religion so the problem isn't Dev (and Dev was a big part of Thanksgiving too). It's that his romantic troubles are just boring. I dunno what the problem is, he's too child-like and/or arch for me to take seriously as a guy looking for love? I just don't buy his chemistry with any of these girls.

I was so bored of this show last season, I almost deleted it from my queue.

Okay I'm a girl and I'm supposed to like romance but the romance angle in this series is the only element that consistently doesn't work. I never care about Dev's girlfriends or his romantic problems! The parts that do work are his parents, Yang's dad, anything with Denise, random meditations on NYC like the Blood

Are you kidding, it probably is! Unless you want to do a comedy show that isn't funny.

How bout if we bitch our heads off about everything all the time! Then we're covered, right?

Well, orbviously.

Well he is antagonistic and oppositional…

It's the Orb of Time from DS9! Let's see if I went back about a year, what could I do that would accomplish something good for the world…?

Diesel is a decent actor when he gets into a decent film. Like Boiler Room. But yeah there's no way he's better than Olyphant. (And why does spell check always want to call him Elephant! You'd think after the ten thousandth time it would learn!)

Actually you do fail a lot with base-level pandering. Dumb movies usually fail. Why do some dumb movies succeed?

It's a dumb movie but apparently dumb in all the right ways. The mystery is why it and the sequels are right while, say, the King Arthur movie that just flopped hard, or Gods of Egypt, or the Ben Hur remake are wrong. Dumb movies fail all the time.

Ugh. The fall broadcast season is set to be worse than ever. Very few shows look even worth bothering sampling. Star Trek Discovery is by far the best of the bunch and it isn't even on broadcast!

The Expanse is pretty low rated and in danger of cancellation. Star Trek will be on Netflix in most of the world, which means it'll be in front of about 50 million people who will have no reason not to click play. They won't have to differentiate Star Trek from The Expanse because most of the audience will never have

Solution: don't read YouTube comments. Bleh.

It's licensed to Netflix in most of the world for so much money, production is paid for. So basically this is a slam dunk for CBS, which now has the luxury of building an audience over time on their lousy streaming service.

Netflix did a better job editing that sequence to tell a coherent and appealing story. They used a silly pop song but had the sense to edit out a lot of Michelle Yeoh's wooden acting. You can find it on YouTube regardless of what country you're in.

Yeah let's wait for five minutes when the bear comes back and realizes freaky flashing-eye IT!!! isn't going to drag him to the Upside-down. It's garbage snack time!

Trekkies with a horrible lazy sense of humor. The trailer for his show made me appreciate this one so much more. So I guess he's served Star Trek well after all!

Wait till Harry Mudd shows up with a crate of tribbles.

She was in like half the trailer and I agree. She is very wooden, so much so that I hope they plan to kill her off early on.