
So are Spock and Michael going to be adoptive siblings or some damn thing? (And I hope there isn't anything Freudian going on here in regards his attraction to Uhura).

I'll be happy not to watch their films, then. Seems like there are plenty of moviemakers who DO want their films seen, in people's living rooms or wherever, since there are more are more movies on Netflix every day that seem worth my time (and a hell of a lot of junk too of course but I can just avoid the crap.)

Netflix goes to Sundance and buys up those small films now (along with Amazon). If not for them, those movies may not ever get distribution. The fact that moviemakers have a hope in hell of making their movies pay now, with Netflix and Amazon waiting as buyers, is what is getting movies made. Studios just want to

There aren't enough movie theaters in the world to show all the movies that deserve to be seen. Movie theaters are a bottleneck to getting all the deserving movies to the people who want to see them. There's never been a good way to match up movies with audiences effectively, till now.

It's simple. This is a case of vested interests vs vested interests.

People inclined to like this will like this and people inclined to hate this will hate this.

The prequel thing is because the execs had cold feet and want to tie this to TOS, which is still the best known of the Star Treks series. And this way we get Harry Mudd.

This looks nice. The MacFarlane show looks pretty sad.

Yeah that made me laugh. Tempting fate, are we?

On the bright side, you get to watch this on Netflix, like God intended. I wish Americans were so lucky.


Okay it doesn't suck. Good start, I'm counting on this to be the genesis of a whole new crop of Star Trek series.

Trailer! Trailer!

I'll see your Jar-Jar and raise you a Ferengi comedy featuring a tasteless drag routine!

See? At least Star Trek has never been THAT bad. Except maybe Spock's Brain but that at least was funny.

Or Rey's outfit was a copied idea.

I thought of the Joshua Tree episode of DS9 and Vasquez Rocks. Embarrassed I didn't think about Vulcan! Star Trek has a long and distinguished history with desert worlds.

I wanna see these people just wear regular Starfleet pajamas with invisible force fields around them. Why do they need to change clothes at all? Their spaceships get force fields but they don't bother to protect their people? And then the Klingons show up with blasters or just big knives and those pajamas are pretty

I eagerly await the visit to the Nazi Nun Planet.

You called?