
Cripes you remember the episode name? That was the Joshua Tree episode, yeah I thought of that almost immediately. That and Vasquez Rocks.

Because Star Trek has a track record of studiously avoiding having all the planets be exactly like Earth.

Ah shit, no Vasquez Rocks then?

Under the Dome? That sucked!

Doug Jones as a Star Trek alien is enough to mitigate my rage that Americans will not get to see this show on Netflix like the rest of the damn world!!!!

Even Disney is not that evil.

1/3 of TOS is terrible, 1/3 is okay, 1/3 is brilliant. The proportion of brilliance is why its so famous.

Because Netflix paid CBS a shitload of money for the license, that's why.

Nope. It's showing on Netflix in most of the world. Star Trek + Netflix is about as sure a formula for success as you could imagine.

But this series is obviously a horrific disaster! Even though we haven't seen a single frame of the actual series!!!!

I think they realized their mistake and did a quick edit. Fair enough. It's a good sign they realized how unTrekky they were being for a second there.

Who cares, I'm sure all sorts of draaahhhmaaaahhh happens in Hollywood that we never find out about. I'll judge the final product on its merits alone.

I've already forgotten about that boring-ass derivative Star Wars flick. Gimmee my Star Trek now!

I fondly recall when the DS9 crew visited Joshua Tree National Monument.

I'm pretty sure I see a guy in a lizard suit in the background tho.

Eh, Dune and Star Wars didn't invent desert wear in a sci fi context. I'll wait for the whole season to be available, binge-watch it and THEN decide whether I hate it with the intensity of a billion white-hot exploding supernovae.

When are we going to get a subplot about Drug Robot vs Mail Robot from the FBI? Both shows are set in the 80s, right?

A cute gimmick but didn't really pan out.

This series is just too hit or miss for me. Keep posting reviews so I can get some sense of which ones might be worthwhile.

The best thing they could do is just bring in Trek alums galore and have a lot of fun casting them by type, against type, whatever. Bring in Brent Spiner as a swashbuckling space pirate, Marc Alaimo as a kindly spiritual leader of an oppressed people, John Billingsley as the vicious leader of a bunch of Klingon