
They're counting on capitalizing on frustrated Trekkies who hear that CBS is making a new series (yay) but it's behind a paywall (the fuck?) on a streaming service everyone hates (censored).

He should be playing an alien.

She somehow manages to look like a total bitch all the time but not in an off-putting way. Makes her the Perfect Ex-Wife Character.

Okay I just watched all the NBC and ABC trailers.

This is pretty bad pilot season so far, but this is one of the very worst.

Well…The Crossing looks like there might be something to it…assuming it survives the first season because I’m not going to bother with that one till I know it has time to take the story somewhere.

Considering that Lovecraft was pretty racist himself, this seems fair. But is Lovecraft's imagination actually scarier than this? I leave it to the judgement of the howling mob:

Fantasy seems to have more racism problems than sci fi. Game of Thrones is pretty bad; Lord of the Rings is worse. Sci fi seems to be shaping up somewhat; the new Star Trek series will have a black female lead, for example.

This should be another nostalgia wallow on Netflix, not taking up a timeslot on NBC. Then again, what else does NBC have? Wallow on!

Ech, that's downright creepy. And not in a good way. Pass.

Seth MacFarlane's crap is looking better all the time.

That trailer was so bad it crashed my computer!

Except minus the Galaxy Quest and the Firefly parts.

Adrianne Palecki is a shoe-in for the role of Gwen DeMarco but where the hell is everyone else and why did they get replaced by a cast of comedy-deprived robots?

He's at least 48% Vorta.

Ghosted might be the best of the bunch. If not, The Orville is. Mainly because the other two look wretched while Ghosted and the Orville merely look lame. These shows will not survive a season. Way too much competition out there.

Bring in all the Ferengi and let them dance around in drag! It'll be better than this crap.

The Orville looks like a porn parody for nerds.

If it makes the first two seasons of Next Gen look good by comparison, maybe it has a reason to exist? Nah. Damn that was lame.

Based on that trailer, I'd say she's the only one with an ounce of charisma. Hopefully the funny forehead aliens will wipe out the whole cast besides her and they will just start over again, but with an actual attempt to be funny this time.