
That's what pregnancy hormones will do. GIMEE FOOOOD!!!!

Who can see Pine's forehead over the glare of those blue eyes?

Too old and fat. We want Chris Pine's blue blue eyes!

A tad predictable and derivative maybe. I wondered what all the fuss was about.

If you price out Netflix DVD's, it's around $1.50 assuming you're good about returning stuff pretty quick.

I try to be fair to the people making this stuff. If I can find it eventually on DVD, I won't pirate it. And even then, I'll check the library first. 99.9% of everything is on DVD, and the other .1% (Adventure Time) is at the library. Some random stuff isn't available anywhere - El Cid, On the Beach - not exactly

You can still do that. Subscribe to DVDs. I'm serious, they still get a huge amount of stuff there. I'm watching The Night Of right now (HBO snobbery notwithstanding), next up Lion and The Arrival. When I can cancel my DVDs I'll know streaming has shaped up as a delivery mechanism.

You're kinder than me on these shows. Sense8 is a slog and I'll give it mebee ten minutes when it comes back to change my mind before I nuke it off the list. The Crown - zzzz. I can't get worked up about the problems of boring rich overprivileged white people. I made it thru the whole first episode and then goodbye.

It's simple to judge: pick something at random and give it 5 minutes. If you forget to turn it off and just watch it, it was good. Otherwise, kick it off your list. I use this method and I still have (literally) 125 things in my queue. I'm actually kind of glad when something disappoints me (Bill Nye, what are you

Forget the buzz, just give the damn movie five minutes to impress you. If it fails - goodbye! On to the next one.

Simultaneous release is the same as not releasing at all to movie theaters. They know it would be only a token effort.

Avengers 4: Cap and Bucky Kiss (We Deeply Regret Letting the Internet Vote for the Subtitle)

The Death and Rebirth of Captain America.

I would pay real money for the undead corpse of Frederick Douglass to show up in the Oval Office brandishing an axe. Oh look over there, it's Abe Lincoln with a machete!

Ryan Murphy needs to stick with celebrity sleaze. Charle s& Di just sounds like a drag and not at all fun due to it being about real people with their real pain, and not horrible old gorgons doing battle a la Godzilla & King Kong.

The third is very good, keep going (and don't let anyone spoil you!) I'll get to the rest when Netflix picks it up.

Amazon knew exactly what they were doing with their Nazi subway campaign. No publicity is bad publicity.

Schindler's List: The Musical?

I always wonder about the Punisher logo. Especially on cop cars.

Jason Momoa would like to have a word with you.