
Eh, I dunno how strong the Nazi connection is anymore, now that we know the octo-guy in the logo is literally an alien with tentacles all over his damn head. It's more of an intergalactic nonhuman crypto-fascist organization, which of course is far cooler than actual Nazis.

Mary was trying to undermine Elizabeth's rule. Elizabeth didn't want to off her cousin - if for no other reason than, she didn't want to help set any precedents about lopping off queen's heads - but when somebody is challenging you directly, you look weak if you don't slap them down, hard.

Always the same overexposed royals, too. How about a movie about Queen Nzinga or Empress Wu?

Don't eat the peanuts.

Alaska and Virgin merged dammit so now my choices are going to be AlaskaVirgin (cmon guys use that brand name!), JetBlue and Southwest.

Nowadays that joke doesn't work because all the American airlines are bad.

Hooray for deregulation and a vicious corporate work environment that leads to stressed-out employees who take it out on the customers, leading to a social media frenzy and hasty band-aid solutions.

Okra. However, dog-shit flavored okra still tastes better than real okra.

Except in his cetacean form, of course:

Isn't that "smug Hahvahdness"?

A very symmetrical pear, thank you very much.

I keep hoping someone will lock him in a room with Sasha Baron Cohen and three dozen pit vipers, and let them all fight it out. On PPV!

Nancy Grace. That wasn't so hard. Sure, there are others but after her, they all just fade into the background.

They must be very fortunate souls who have never so much as glanced off her orbit of obnoxiousness.

Is Giada DiLaurentiis's teeth scarier than Walton Goggins'?

I know this is a smelliness contest among skunks, but Nancy Grace is the most odiferous of them all. The millisecond that her smarmy visage disgraces my TV set, it's almost like the remote propels itself into my outstretched hand, the better to quickly change the channel.

CBS has the authority not to renew a license with any of the streaming services once the licenses expire so yeah it is all up to them in the end. But why should they pull Star Trek from Netflix when Netflix will be showing the new Star Trek in most of the world and basically funding the series' production with its

I think Amazon got Fargo. I saw it there (for sale, not yet for free…)

My queue is so damn long that the Very Long Waits are just a small minority - recent stuff. I have stuff in there that's been there for years.

Maybe it has nothing to do with rights if pulling these movies makes people watch them rather than just leave them in their queue forever, untouched. Whatever keeps people watching Netflix is good for retaining subscriptions. Remember, Netflix can see everyone's behavior in minute detail and see trends and connections