
We've put up with enough. This is the proverbial straw…which you also use to consume it! Poetic justice.

It cries out for a toxic green splash of absinthe.

That's why you add Bailey's to mask the taste.

The complication is due to the fact that we're all following news of the show. Most people won't know or care there's a new Star Trek series till they see the marketing for it. CBS has a lot riding on this because they need to use Star Trek to get their sad streaming service to start functioning properly.

It might at first. On CBS All Access. Their subscriber numbers will most likely be anemic. But it'll be on Netflix in most of the world, and there it will be a monster hit. Netflix will keep licensing it and sending enough money back to CBS to fund production. So CBS will be able to be patient with its domestic

That's what this is all about. Netflix and Amazon are taking over the entertainment distribution business. Everyone is now petrified that they will be SOL when they are left merely making content for the global streaming behemoths who will have a direct relationship with hundreds of millions of subscribers and the

CBS has seen the trend lines and realized that streaming is the future and broadcast is toast. So how do they get their own streaming service to stand up on its hind legs? Use their glossiest, grabbiest brands: Star Trek, Good Wife and uh…oh dear…we don't have a lot here do we?

Or waiting for the scene with the donkey to start.

If that was her first audition how did she know her surname was the problem?

The French whose power derives from institutional authority and nothing else are sure obsessed with it. This is just the latest outcropping of something that's been going on for a while, various players who bitch their heads off and try to slam on the brakes when they realize Netflix is going to undermine their money

By which time, nobody remembers or cares. Too much content being flung around nowadays.

Focus on overwhelming visual spectacle like Star Wars and the Avatar sequels. Anything that plays just as well at home should go direct to streaming because there's no advantage to going to a theater.

They can't adapt, it's too late. Most movies (other than the noisy blockbusters and kid's animated flicks that make $$$ in movie theaters still) and all TV will eventually go straight to streaming, because if you've got a global streaming service with hundreds of millions of subscribers, that's the most efficient way

You SUPER are like 99% of the human race. The French are bitching because Netflix and Amazon are upending movie distribution and threatening their revenues and power.

I've been "sharing" an Amazon account and wondering if I should just start giving them some money like I do with Netflix. But then I noticed that Manchester By the Bay is not available to me till May, no doubt because Amazon wants to kiss the ass of the Oscars folks and keep those oh so precious theatrical windows.

If they get into Cannes and embarrass/frighten the French film industry, then they count.

More proof that King Canute was French.

Probably weird for them too but I bet they noticed series hang onto subscribers better than movies which makes sense: when your free trial is up and if you're in the middle of a series you renew. In the middle of a movie? You finish the movie and cancel.

Are you kidding? Without intervention from Netflix and Amazon, no movie will ever be made that isn't about superheroes, animated kids stuff or Star Wars!

Things can be huge on Netflix without one American watching, haven't ya heard?