
CBS licensed Star Trek to Netflix in most of the world, just not the US or Canada.

Star Trek is way off-brand for Showtime.

The trouble is, everyone watching CBS is about 90 years old and advertisers don't care about anyone over the age of 35 (geezers don't buy shit I guess). CBS wants to get its own streaming service up and running to compete with Netflix.

You're five years too soon. First, they have to see that Star Trek isn't going to salvage their streaming service and that's going to take some time to sink in.

Most people who are going to end up watching this show don't even know it's in production now. People only know about things when the marketing tells them about it and that won't kick in till shortly before the premiere.

They're making Star Trek because nobody wants to subscribe to their streaming platform. They figure Star Trek is their best brand for motivating a few subscriptions.

Why are they subscribing now? I plan to wait till the whole season is up, subscribe for one month and then vanish for another year. Ten or twelve bucks for ad-free Star Trek per year sounds like the right price to me.

If that's what it takes for the result to be good, fine by me.

We'll see the show. Netflix paid so much for the rights outside the US and Canada that CBS could fund production on that alone. Star Trek on Netflix is about as much of a sure-fire hit as you could hope for.

And here I thought San Francisco was weird. Man, we are slipping.

I call dibs on “Philadelphia thug hellion Jew.” That's my new username. The rest of you back off!

Get these motherfucking scorpions…

Star Wars: A New Beginning.

What?!? Kenobi watched Luke drooling over the holographic image of his own sister and didn't say a damn thing, not even, "eh she's not so hot, kid, let me introduce you to some nice girls in Mos Eisley." He just stands there and snickers like a total perv.

If Luke is the one to end the Jedi by murdering Rey, Kylo and any random Gungun who shows signs of being good at high jumping, and then committing suicide, then fine. Let the damn storyline end with Luke! He's an act no Jedi can follow. Do we really want post-Luke Star Wars? Not me.

The very first part with Poe Dameron being funny and cocky felt like Star Wars. Then he vanished and left us with some boring, character-free people and I almost fell asleep in the movie theater. Won't bother with Star Wars till its available on rental so I can ff the boring parts.

I'm already bored just thinking of how predictable Rey's training will be. We know how the whole Jedi training schtick goes. Do we really need to suffer though it again?

But that passionate individual also gave us the immense cluster that was the Prequel Trilogy.

We're going to miss the taxation and trade routes before this is over.

The entire last half of the movie will feature Luke arguing with his nephew on the definition of "balancing the Force." Holiday dinners with the Skywalker-Solos must have been a blast!