
Luke will manipulate things so that Kylo and Rey fall in love and get married. Hah! Did not see that coming. Even the fanfic writers were too distracted by Finn and Poe.

I'd rather see what Luke was up to all these years (if only Hamill could play the role). But slogging thru all the predictable notes of Mary Sue's training, geeze. I'm already falling asleep in the movie theater. Hopefully when the Jedi are all dead at the end of this trilogy, we can have a fun Poe Dameron spinoff

The shareholders should want the board's head on a platter, too. The shareholders are the ultimate boss of any public company.

If I had been United, I would have been all, "what the fuck, we called the cops to escort the guy nicely off the plane, we never told them to beat him up! We're as appalled as all of you and we are launching a full investigation of this travesty!"

Same here. I draw the line at Comcast, tho.

They don't have a PR manager yet? Well that explains some things.

$100 and a seat on a United flight says that Daya points the gun at the ceiling and pulls the trigger to get everyone to SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!

Danny DeVito. He's the pectin in the jelly. I'm sure he'd assume that was something dirty.

Cry the Friendly Skies
Die the Friendly Skies
Fly the Fiendly Skies…

More streaming platforms with exclusive content means more content people will simply ignore. Some folks might bother to pirate it, but I bet far more folks will just ignore exclusive content they can't watch easily when there's so much exclusive content they can watch just by subscribing to one service - but for that

Amazon original content just isn't very good compared with Netflix. I have both, have a queue a mile long on Netflix - not so on Amazon. it's a struggle to find anything worthwhile there. They really need to up their game. I've seen the old HBO stuff, they need new content that's worthwhile.

There must be 40 by now, I'm not even bothering to count. In the end, my money is on 4 or so to survive and 2 will be named Netflix and Amazon. So all this fighting is over 2 slots.

I eagerly await the bloodbath that will ensue when all these clowns realize that people who have Netflix and Amazon don't have any time to watch anything on their their silly little service, even if they were willing to spend the money.

Or just pay for Netflix streaming + DVD. Yes DVD. For $17/month, you get E V E R Y T H I N G. Streaming for instantaneousness, DVD for breadth.

These people are nuts. There isn't room in the market for 100 streaming services. My bet is in the end, there will be 4 or so global behemoths that have all the content. By that time, broadcast will be out of the drama/comedy business (maybe out of business entirely) and the people who used to make dramas & comedies

Here's their ad campaign: at least we don't hire the Chicago PD to punch you in the face and drag you out of the restaurant just because we screwed up your table reservation.

2 screens is a couple bucks more, 4 screens a couple bucks more than that. Netflix figured out account sharing a long time back and created pricier tiers for it.

This report isn't from Netflix. Yeah account sharing is definitely part of their business model. They love account sharing especially when it's locking in the Netflix habit among 20 year olds.

If they're paying for the two-screen or four-screen tier when they could be paying one-screen then yeah they're paying extra.

Netflix has different price tiers for those who want multiple simultaneous streaming (aka, different households sharing the same account), so they're getting paid for those cheating college kids. And having that kind of mindshare among the nation's future consumers is highly enviable. Do not pity Netflix one bit. At