
Sue the living spit outta them, Doc.

Now do: Philip Glass, Richard Wagner and Kermit the Frog.

Hooray for freshly ground pepper from a mill.

Hawaii often stands in for Generic Tropical Paradise. It would be more fun to just leave the location up to our imagination rather than for us to try to envision that the Inhuman Royal Family could keep a low profile on islands that are pretty well populated and overrun by snoopy tourists at all times…

This is gonna be my favorite new show.

The ACLU is right. Government censorship is not the answer no matter how frustrating the situation.

A government deciding what is or isn't real and valid? What could go wrong with that?

No and good call.

They will mostly be eliminated by subscribers who won't bother to subscribe. Although that applies to the $10/no ads crowd. Not sure about the free/ads crowd. I guess the advertisers will decide its fate. I won't be participating.

Yeah I reluctantly was dragged into their orbit after trying mightily to find a decent alternative. The best I can say is, they're not AT&T.

It's also some bullshit that's unfortunately available in my country.

And the War Without End re-ignites after lo! these many years.

It's aimed at those younguns whose eyes are still good enough to watch stuff on their phones because advertisers are pulling out their hair trying to reach them.

The Mary Sue is pink with envy.

I hope it's pronounced "Miggle."

They are indeed making that odd choice. it's been known for quite some time now.

Okay if you wrote a story 100 years ago with a female character named Leslie, that would have been weird because you're giving her a man's name. But if it were set in the future (from your perspective, meaning today) then you're doing good sci fi!

They SAY they fixed that.

The only thing more fun is Kirk vs. Picard!!!!

The replica just need to have your memories and no one is the wiser.