

Nice to hear Harcourt Fenton Mudd will be back. Good casting, but Danny McBride would have been perfection.

It didn't gel, but there were individual scenes that were genius (like the dancing sailors, he he he - liked that better than the one with the new Han Solo guy not being able to say his lines that everyone loved).

Danny DeVito for Ben Franklin.

Nah, I'm sure they'll ignore that completely.

The onus should be on everyone to GET OF THE DAMN PHONE.

Adventure Time is great enough that it can be appreciated without pot!

I was gonna say Commies but you're right. Zero fashion sense. Just kills it.

That comment gives me the hebe-jeebies.

Lots of Israelis look Arab, especially the ones who aren't from Europe. Funny how that works.

Is your name Finn? No?

Wouldn't that be an Firahs Ramo? (Sounds like a Star Wars character)

Ok LAST time that pun gets used here!

mmmm…I would pay $12 to watch Oscar punch you. Captain America costume optional (on HIM not YOU)

Oh Oscar, do you need to accumulate the world's supply of cool points? They're all yours. HERE!

Valerian is from the 60s, which is pretty late to be establishing anything in space opera, which had been a genre for decades before. John Carter, case in point.

This one's gonna flop.

Eh, there are companies that spy on Netflix and try to deduce the ratings and it seems like what they come up with is pretty plausible. Netflix doesn't need to release figures so they don't. If they cancelled a show I like without saying why, then I'd be annoyed but they hardly cancel anything.

Bah! This show is just a hack job. They should bury it.

Can they start by just eating The Freedom Caucus? Or would that give the poor things indigestion?