
Yeah, watch it. It's a great show.

Oh it's that book. Okay that's different - weird, but different.

Another one? Underground is doing pretty well for itself.

Isn't there some plan to do a reality show where people get sent to Mars?

Most of the potential audience for this doesn't know or care this will be a prequel to anything.

Not after these services all go under because nobody bothers to subscribe. Then they'll give up and license shows to the few services that do survive.

Yeesh. Even if they tried their best to imitate Netflix right away, they'd still be too far behind to catch them. But this just sounds like they're not trying/don't have a clue.

IT fits > RIGHT in with the general tone > of THE av CLUB!

Ah memories of my childhood experiments with food coloring…there's a reason why nobody ever used the blue bottle.

Damn you iStock!

I prefer Bruised (Slightly Moldy) Avocado Green.

Hopefully her amazing skills will trickle down to the rest of us!

Hmm. Peeing isn't what I got outta that. (Probably a good thing!)

Hmm, well I saw the ahem issue immediately. But was it an ahem mistake?

The ACLU should get a giant inflatable something too. Hmm. For whatever reason, I envision them as one of those spunky little meerkats. Get on it people.

None of my representatives are stupid enough to vote for that crap.

That is a thing of beauty. I won't be able to afford health care anyway, may as well spend it on The Rat.

Gotta keep going till we get to that spectacular death scene where he hands the shield off to Bucky. Oh don't make that face. You know it's coming.

Poor guy, Orlando? anyway I'm sure he has enough money to insulate himself from Trumps' bullshit. He should try being poor and unemployed, I'll bet he'd be a lot less entertained.

Trump won't get away with anything now that he's in the position of actually having to govern, which he is incapable of. So we'll just get four years of wheel-spinning and bullshit. Meanwhile, there are serious issues that will go unaddressed. Not so entertaining to me.