
Which is why they shouldn't (and maybe won't) worry about the thumbs up/down ratings at all. What they should do - and maybe they are - is look exclusively at behavior.

I'm sorry guys, this is my fault for giving The OA three stars after binge-watching it in 24 hours and then re-watching all the flashback scenes twice searching for clues.

Now Netflix will tell me, there is a 2% chance you'll like this shit…so we're shoving it at you! TRY TO STOP US!

Yes, same here! Netflix is trolling me!!! I do not want to watch Amy Schumer! This does not mean I'm a reddit racist!

Why do I get one and two star suggestions? Is Netflix being mean to me? :(

How about the Star Trek (original series) game. The crew is doing something boring and routine on the bridge for the first two minutes. How fast can you tell if they are going to be attacked by a) Klingons b) Romulans c) bored alien teenagers disguised as Greek gods d) supersmart brains in jars.

I want a button I can push to watch all the scenes from Lost in chronological order, starting with Alison Janney as a Greek goddess with seashells in her hair.

I use it too! And then Netflix recommends stuff that's one and two stars, what? At least maybe this will put a stop to that malarky.

You can set different profiles for exactly that reason.

After I got over my THUMBS DOOOOWWWNN gut reaction, I think I approve of this. Netflix is just trying to force people to be honest in their ratings.

This is a Raleigh bad idea.

Who cares about this, HUGE NEWS AV Club: Netflix is discarding the five star rating system!

Ugh…just leave the rest of us alone with this nonsense. Movies on phones! Kids nowadays! Off my lawn, etc.

I mentally tuned out after the rainbow dildo scene. SPLOOGE!

Yes because learning, public safety and civil discourse are big priorities of the Trump administration.

There can never be too much Manos! (mas Manos!)

Investors are convinced Netflix will Remake Entertainment Distribution(TM). They may be right. The share price is headed for the moon. That's where they are getting all this filthy lucre from.

Manos, dammit! Best episode ever.

Now I know how Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie felt in the Death Star's trash compactor.

Maybe Netflix is having mercy on us due to the whole Trump election thing. How much more can we take?!?