
24/7 access to MANOS!

The people he was trying to give his "hot dog" to were less than appreciative, though.

How about the ACLU for starters? Or does Trump inspiring record donations with his buffoonery already cover it?

Not sure why that would improve matters. If people want to watch something on a weekly basis, they're free to do that. I'd rather Netflix dump the whole thing and then I'll decide what pace works best for me.

Maybe this is heretical, but I've still only gotten thru S1s of Daredevil and JJ. My appetite for stories revolving around Hells' Kitchen is not infinite. Maybe it's just too small of a canvas. I want Guardians of the Galaxy, The Inhumans - the crazy cosmic stuff!

Too much TV nowadays to bother with anything that doesn't cut it. I'll skip Iron Fist and proceed directly to The Punisher. Somehow I don't think the problem there will be "blandness."

CGI can fix that nowadays!

How about if we get Russell Crowe back to hack and slash this damn comments system to bloody ribbons?

She'll chide you for using such bad language.

if Amazon is listening, I need to tell them that their pilot seasons suck. They still only made one good show and even that is only sorta good.

I'm more worried about that asshole than the CIA. What the fuck does the CIA care what I do? Even I bore myself.

Just for the record, I interrogated Siri. She refuses to acknowledge that the CIA exists and instead started talking some cooking school(?).

The comments section is NOT magically delicious!

You guys and your puns are a real gas!

Basically like Joe but not so pathetically lovable (or most likely nearly so good looking and non-obese-mother's-basement-dwelling).

So is that why they've added a new Fuhrer character to the show next season who glows orange?

Except for the offshore accounts and gunplay.

That looks great. Netflix is stealing all my time again!

Weird, THIS comments section is normal but the one about Josh Radnor, that treasonous defector from the Union Army, is completely screwy.

Is anyone actually watching this show? I stopped after the pilot. Not bad, but not good enough to keep from other stuff getting shoved in front of it.