
My eyes aren't skinny enough to read this…

Even yo momma isn't as ugly as this comment system!

Damn you Radnor, you just got Mercy Street cancelled!

Why did I read that headline and instantly think, "Trump, turn the damn lamp back on. And no, Mexico's not paying for the wall."

He's not the lead and how do we know he's playing a human white dude? Or even white? I'd like to see him as an Andorian.

That explains the lack of seat belts.

Seriously this is great casting. But I wonder about Isaac's schedule. He's already got The OA and probably a shit ton of other gigs. Maybe this means Sonequa becomes captain in season two under tragic circumstances?

Netflix paid so much for the global rights outside US and Canada that they are basically funding the whole thing. It's a no-risk proposition for CBS, which can be patient about building their streaming service audience, which they better be because right now there's no way that bunch of old crap from CBS is going to

Can I get a lock of your hair?

That guy is more of a Star Wars type.

No wait, this isn't going to be Captain Garth so we don't know Sonequa is going to become captain. But Jason Isaacs might be too much in demand to stick around long so maybe he was hired because he's a short timer.

Yep. I liked him and Emory Cohen enough to ignore the number of times some character did something stupid for the convenience of the plot.

Nah, it'll be a huge hit on Netflix globally. CBS will struggle to sign up subscribers - it'll be too easy to just binge watch after the episodes are up and cancel - but the Netflix deal can pay for it all while CBS builds its numbers slowly but surely.

Yes, I loved that show, but of course it's the kind that can't survive on broadcast.

Uh oh! Well if the captain starts talking about doing any near-death experimentation, the crew better run like hell.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. And then the murders begin.

They called me Ishmael. And then the murders began.

Why oh why won't anyone try my plan? It's so simple: whatever health care Congress and the White House wants to inflict on the rest of us, they must adopt for their families and themselves first.

The Repugs are just trying to reduce the surplus population! In keeping with their efforts to turn America into a story that reads like the collaborative efforts of Charles Dickens, George Orwell, Franz Kafka and Ayn Rand.

I heard that it's in safe keeping with Jimmy Hoffa's corpse.