
Well he just needs to not join the Rebel Alliance by accident or on purpose. He can scoff at all that stuff. But he can be a loyal frenemy to Lando and whoever Harrelson is playing.

He got highlights?

My hunch is that this King Arthur movie will do much better in China than America, just because the topic is such old hat in America and maybe comes off fresher to the Chinese? But it all depends on whether the Chinese government allows it/promotes it. I think that's what happened to poor Deadpool…

Easy enough to do a compare and contrast:

Katey Sagal was born to play a dank Medieval witch with snakes in her hair.

Arthurian legend has been rewritten so many times people should be free to make of it what they will. I'd like to see a version set in pre-Roman Britain.

So they're not going with the usual routine of Vortigern being a nasty usurping Saxon while Arthur is the true Celtic inheritor to the throne? Too dicey in this era of Brexit?

Great show, one of my new favorites. Olyphant is definitely the standout here and should get Emmy consideration for best lead in a comedy. The series should get a nod too as long as the Emmys isn't still busy supporting broadcast twaddle and ignoring great shows like Archer and Bojack Horseman.

We're talking about actors here.

So when do they send Matthew Fox back to Oahu because there is no more perfect actor for Black Bolt.

You might as well compare Bates Motel to Dexter or even Santa Clarita Diet. There are a lot of shows about serial killers.

The series has surprisingly little to do with the movie. Vera Farming's amazing performance as Norma is the chief attraction. Other than that, there's a lot of twisty turny corrupt small town stuff and batshit insane family drama between Norma, Norman and the other son in the family you didn't know about, Dylan. It's

Emma seemed to exist as a character just to get Dylan offstage during the ahem important events at the end of S4. For whatever reason I like Dylan the best of the characters, maybe because there's no foregone conclusion about where his story ends up, and I'm genuinely curious. But now that Emma is cured, they can

Yeah, it's much more of a corrupt-small-town soap opera, a character study of Norma Bates and a rather insane family drama - really interesting, but not particularly Hitchcockian. Reminds me more of Stephen King, really (minus any supernatural elements).

Salem and Gotham aren't close to the same league as Bates Motel.

When this show was announced, I was very skeptical, especially of the modern setting, but they've really pulled it off. Vera Farmiga should have won a few Emmys by now. Unexpectedly, my favorite character is a new one: Dylan, the heretofore unknown third member of the Bates clan. Don't tell people to start with S5 -

Yeah, San Francisco? So anti-immigrant here lol.

Suspicion that the immigrants are tougher, smarter and more deserving of goodies than they are. Americans are much better off than most of the world simply by accident of birth. If we all had to actually compete on an equal footing with the whole world, very few of us would maintain our privileged positions.

I'd like to see some of those fat-asses from the rustbelt try to pick lettuce in the fields here in California for even one day. Face it, most unemployed Americans are too out of shape to do the hard jobs that illegal immigrants do. But it sure would be an education for them, and maybe even good for their health (if