
Or just hang around this place.

Would you trust a straight guy with this topic?!?

Good news. Amazon is pretty skimpy on the worthwhile content compared with Netflix but this gives me something to watch while waiting for Man in the High Castle to come back around…

I watch streaming services on my TV set. In fact, that's all I watch on my TV set. Broadcast is toast, cable will follow. CBS is just getting in position for the future.

Nah, it'll be a big hit overseas for Netflix which will keep paying so much for the license that CBS won't need it to be a domestic hit, so CBS will keep dicking around trying to use it get their stupid streaming service to work.

That's just dark pink.

And we do not discuss it.

"Lovable"? If she's that good an actress, give that girl her Emmy now!

Is there any other kind?

With extra gagh syrup!

Huh? Was I locked up before?

First time I've ever seen this joke! Now tell the one about the final front ear.

Looks good, but where are the Klingons' glorious flowing curly locks?

There's nowhere to go but down now!

"…but logic and/or typecasting suggests that Gyllenhaal will play Eli, the gentle, oral hygiene-obsessed dreamer to Phoenix’s cold-hearted killer Charlie."

Where I work, the damn CNN is on constantly in the lunchroom and I can't walk thru it for coffee without having to stop and stare in numb disbelief for at least ten minutes. Somebody tried switching the channel to golf and hiding the remote but that didn't last long…

These puns are going to be un-bearable.

…or you can't do it unless you're one of the Angels (have died and been resurrected) which would make sense. There really should be some "payment" for having power like that.

I was simultaneously counting all the plot holes and instances where somebody was being stupid for the convenience of the plot while enjoying the story immensely. Go figure.

I think she needs someone to take a good hard look at her first draft writing and start pointing out the many plot holes. She's good at originality and vision. The OA certainly isn't a me-too show. But the writing could use more discipline.