
And smiling enigmatically.

I thought Adam Sandler and Fuller House proved that. Netflix makes so much crap. It's about time they made crap that I nevertheless enjoy! Now I see what all those Sense8 fans were talking about and why they never paid any attention to my entreaties to stop watching that horrible show!

My bet is that they're doing the Many Worlds theory and each reality is an afterlife for somebody (our reality is an afterlife for instance). Some folks are good at traveling back and forth between realities by dying and being revived in their current reality. You only know who these human rubber bands are when they

It'll cancel things but you gotta be very expensive and unpopular. I figured The OA was safe - it doesn't look at all pricey and got tons of buzz.

That's Netflix's job. I just wish there was some way I could tell it not to bother recommending anything it predicts for me as 3.5 stars and under. What's the point of "recommending" something and then saying it's a one or two star prediction??? Is Netflix trying to be sarcastic?

Or Operator by Jim Croce…

Oregon should adopt that as their state motto.

One of these years, California will be right! Then you'll be sorry you doubted us.

Silly Indiana! Buy a bag of cheetos and smush it up. Then apply liberally. I thought everyone knew that!

Or is it a philosophical statement? Are we all refugees from something?

Oregon's is the best!

Kudos to Mississippi (or is that Alabama) for finally wondering who this Frederick Douglass person is.


Except her portrait is getting younger and less hag-like all the time.

She's the one in the mirror in the attic, screaming and banging on it from the inside.

The Irish are white? This country HAS gotten too liberal!

An oldie but a goodie!

I wouldn't elevate what Conway does to "art." It's not even craft.

Good idea, Presidential press conferences are so boring nowadays.

It's snarple. A color invisible to the human eye but visible to cock-a-roaches and others of their ilk.