
Yesterday I was chatting with a friend who told me all about the plans in the future to launch a fake alien attack on the Earth so everyone will submit to One World Government. I told him that's what I think the plotline to the TV show Colony is. Except you know I don't think it's real….

Wait a year and watch on Netflix. I just saw the previous season. Sunny isn't a show that goes "bad" (or maybe it's always "bad"). Ads just ruin everything. I either see a show ad free or not at all.

I canna hold it anymore!!! It's gonna blow!!!

I dunno. CBS wants to play nice with Netflix since Netflix is funding the whole damn show. That means CBS has a vested interest in making the show a hit for Netflix and letting Netflix keep showing previous Star Trek series helps in that effort.

Cuz Netflix is the distributor outside the US but still, can't they do a joint promotion with Netflix and whoever has it in Canada? This is Star Trek!!! Put everybody's damn logo on it. It's just three, not thirty or however many it would be in the usual case.

Looks good. I'll be back to yack about this when all the episodes are up on CBS All Access. Can't deal with this weekly stuff. If I wanna watch something I wanna watch it ALL. Having to pay them $12 or whatever is a trivial matter by comparison. I'd pay double or triple to just have it all right away at the start but

I have a family member who was from Germany and fled in 1933. Hitler got elected and he got the hell out of Dodge. He wasn't Jewish but he was an artist and he had a brain. So yeah, if he could figure it out, so could other people.

They may have had various reasons, such as the delusion that manufacturing jobs might come back to the US, but they weren't good reasons and certainly not good enough to compensate for the chaos this nut job will create.

Yep yep yep. Who the hell thought this wouldn't happen? Did they think Trump was just exaggerating?

My first thought is, ISIS agents will start "converting to Christianity" immediately so they can get bumped to the front of the line and get in the country to murder people. Trump didn't consider this? What an idiot.

The banned director can stand in for the banned everyone else. The Oscars needs to capitalize on this opportunity Trump has handed them to show everyone what a total psychotic nutjob Trump really is. The people who approve of Trump aren't watching the Oscars anyway because they hate Hollywood libruls.

I usually ignore the Oscars. If they do what they should, and give all the banned nominees a video platform to make a statement, I might actually bother to tune in…but really the Oscars needs to be on Facebook, YouTube, Amazon and Netflix. Go where the people are. Is this thing on ABC? I'm not even sure how to get ABC

Every banned nominee should be given time to speak, via big-ass screen at the ceremony. This is a golden opportunity for Hollywood to step up and take a stand. A lot of the country is behind you, Hollywood, and the ones who aren't, hate you anyway and won't be watching the Oscars.

Yep you're right. I watched this weeks ago but can't stop thinking about it. Too bad I watched it too late to participate in the discussions. I'll make up for it next time. Man in the High Castle, you are now booted to second position! My December viewing schedule has changed.

Shit, I dunno…Finland?

Gowron was batshit but kind of a badass. Sorry, he's too good for Trump too.

The best match for Trump will always be Zapp Brannigan. The Joker and Gul Dukat are just too cool and smart to be a very good fit. Gotta have that doofus element.

Yeah I notice him slipping too but I like the kid so no issue with him except sometimes he slurs his words, maybe in an attempt to maintain the accent.

I think they're hitting the right balance between "not too scary for kids" and "not too saccharine for adults." Love the aesthetics, a cross between Pushing Daisies and Myst.