
Yeah we'll show Trump the same respect Obama got form his opponents.

What the heck happened to "cuck"? That was the ultimate in cringeworthy crybaby BS, much more hilarious than "snowflake." Bring back cuck!

Are people actually watching this show? It was just too damn boring for me to endure. Soap opera about overprivileged rich white people who are "interesting" only due to an accident of birth.

Was that intended to be a weirdly sexual statement?

Ah I was sure it was gonna be "cuck."

mmm, not really.

Poor analogy. Wouldn't it worry you to know that your doctor is a physically abusive creep? I'd find another doctor.

Meh. Winning an Oscar won't give you the power to defund Planned Parenthood. Casey Affleck is not at all the same as Trump. Actors can be permitted to be lot bigger assholes than anyone who has power over me or other people.

Russell Brand and Sasha Baron Cohen locked in a room. Only one can emerge. Hmm, I like it!

I'm sure this is included but in case it isn't…

damn computers

I'm trying to cool it on the DVDs when I know the show will come to streaming (eventually sigh). Using DVDs for the never-streaming stuff like Twelve Monekys.

There's some doc on coral reefs coming out on Netflix soon.

Is it better than Hotel anyway? I watch it cuz I like the actors but damn sometimes it's hard to slog thru.

Watch Bulworth while you can! Frighteningly prescient movie. Hard to believe it was made in 1998!

Oh is THAT why imdb lists an adult in the credits for Sunny? I was expecting a time travel or flash-forward episode…

I only just finished so I've been disciplined.

That baby has talent! I hope they aren't going to replace her with a different baby next season. Just let her grow into a toddler as the seasons progress. They can do the baby-talk gag for a while and then let her take over the lines when she learns to talk. (Yes I do expect this to go on for several seasons, Handler

Funny how some of the actors get how to play their outsized caricature roles and others don't. Aasif Mandvi (Uncle Monty) really nailed it. The rest are somewhere on the spectrum, but Woodard is the worst at it.

Yep. looks great! Remember to veto anything the Republicans send to your desk having to do with health care!!!