
Yes she was a massive celebrity by then.

That's Netflix's next mystery series: Whore Guardian, written & produced by Jenji Kohan. Can't wait!

We never saw the bodies. We all know what that means.

“Do you know what this is?” “It looks like a list.” “Wrong! It’s a list.”

Have a spare couch?

The literal color thing is corny as hell but maybe it can become a metaphor. The universe is made up of various substances, some are "green" and some are "yellow."

If Star Wars can have a bunch of magic-wielders running around with superpowers, I don't see why the Green Lanterns can't too. But (to badly mix my metaphors) they all need their kryptonite. The Jedi kryptonite is their tendency to go all dark side when they get too ambitious with their superpowers.

Why not Star Wars in space? Where else is it supposed to be!

Joe isn't going full Nazi. He doesn't really get politics or care about politics. He's trying to be a good son. However there is a point at which you really need to have a freaking opinion about the world. I'll say no more since that's the next episode's discussion…

CBS is protected because they licensed the show to Netflix outside the US and Canada for so much money that production is paid for. Now CBS is in the enviable position of being able to grow their domestic service without being under the gun to get subscribers to their service via Star Trek.

Everyone already knows that the power in the future will be in being a distributor. This current disrupted phase will shake out with about four major distributors who control access to content (for the audience) and access to the audience (for the content makers) globally, which of course gives them enormous power.

The ad business is sinking fast. One motive behind CBS's creation of Star Trek for their streaming service (and that IS the motive here - FOR the streaming service) is that they need to jump from an ad-based to subscriber-based business model. If their advertisers are miffed, who cares. Maybe in the future, TV and

Everything on TV is a blatant cash-grab. It's all being made just to get money, whether on broadcast, cable or streaming. Streaming happens to be the growth distribution medium while broadcast is circling the drain. So CBS is scrambling for the streaming lifeboat and it says USS Discovery on the side. Having seen the

I read American Gods. ZZZZZZzzzzzz….

Twelve Monkeys!

Star Trek - I'll subscribe to their stupid CBS All Access for one month when the full season is up. Beyond that, probably will drop for another year.

I think they killed off Frank and Sarah for real. There might be some hand-waving nonsense about them being sucked into an alternate timeline just before the blast, but there's been zero setup for that, and it would be cheap.

Switzerland had banks full of Nazi gold. That's why the Nazis didn't touch it.

The Nazis presumably had more than one nuke. They would have had to nuke Moscow to get the Russians to surrender. Let's assume here that they have a mighty nuclear arsenal so that if Texas say gives them trouble, goodbye Texas. I can definitely see this scenario happening that way.

The big difference here is that the Nazis got the A-bomb first and used it to nuke DC. Presumably they also nuked Moscow. That could have changed the equation everywhere.