
If you die in any timeline, that creates a sort of vacuum that allows a doppleganger from another timeline to enter. Without this vacuum, the reality is sealed off to you, whoever "you" are. Probably easier to think about this by thinking of an infinite number of "you's" and only one you per reality is allowed. There

The real Cuban Missile Crisis happened in Oct 1962 but in the alt-reality, the cherry blossoms are in bloom. In the SF Bay Area, that might mean anytime from Feb to April (spring comes early here) but definitely not October. So that reality was not "our" reality and anything could still happen.

Just out of curiosity, anyone also watching The OA on Netflix? It has some thematic similarities to MitHC…and might make you appreciate the plot coherence and logical character actions of MitHC at least by comparison….

He stayed because he was scared political enemies would bump off his father. Like he could do anything about it.

Let's see where they go with these characters and see what the actors can do…won't say more since I've already finished the season…

Another Bloodline fan here, too. In California, where I'm supposed to be watching…lemme see…Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? Bleh, network fodder!

Oh West Virginia, it's NOT a documentary about you.

I'll stick with my original viewpoint: Joe, Juliana and Frank are products of a world in which saying or doing the wrong thing can get you killed. They are emotionally repressed like they have PTSD, because they do have PTSD. Everyone does, or should, just for survival's sake. Trudy was apparently a more outgoing and

I think it would play out very differently because the crucial part is that fertile women can produce eggs, not that they can carry children. Any woman with a womb can carry a fetus to term.

Pitch it to Netflix as a series. They buy anything.

I'm sure parallels, intended or otherwise, will abound.

Somehow, all the witty people have migrated here, probably fleeing from the hordes of the witless as the drudge crowd colonizes one site after another…

Did they sing Highway to Hell?

I was braced for the shooter to turn out to be Homer. Not sure why.

They should go back to the Roman Empire, dinosaur times, and 17th C pirates and then forward to the post-human future overrun by intelligent android spiders with exotic reproductive organs.


And he looks great in a hoop skirt, too!

If they'd put it someplace convenient like Netflix or Amazon, I'd be willing to sample it. But yeah the premise just seems like hooey.

There was enough personality in this episode that I didn't see it as a mere placeholder at the time. The developing risk of the Resistance's plans, Frank and Sarah discovering the bomb, the fun stuff with Childan and Ed, Juliana covering for Thomas' seizure and the realization that Hitler is dying for real this time

I have Netflix streaming + 1x DVDs. $16/month, and I basically get everything. Not immediately but there's too damn much to watch so stuff coming out this year has to wait behind the stuff from last year I never got to.