
Yep same here gimmee that new Star Trek. Funny how 99% of stuff looks bad to me yet my schedule is always too full. Peak TV whee!

It's also pretty damn weird at times. And who knows what the CW is going to do to it.

Lemony Snicket and Santa Clarita Diet for me. PS, anyone watching the OA? I know its ending is infamous, too bizarre or something…but so far, it's a fascinating show, a lot better than I expected. It's so strange that I can't imagine an ending that would be too strange for the story.

They still haven't come close to explaining the whole metaphysical angle. There's several seasons left in this show (but I'd like to see some variations from the whole Nazi and Japanese theme - how about a reality where Communism takes over?)

I'm Goering to Dachau tof here if these puns don't stop!

I guess you could…it's sort of obvious who's side everyone is on in this three-way battle between Nazis, Japanese and resistance, although some characters waver in their loyalties over time.

If the US and USSR both were taken out of commission abruptly, then yeah you'd be speaking German (unless you were in the Japanese sphere of influence). The Nazis getting the A-bomb first and nuking DC and Moscow sounds like a plausible scenario leading to this premise.

I'd say that nuking DC was what did it. The Nazis got A-bombs first in this scenario. The threat of nuking cities until the US surrendered would probably have changed things a lot. Otherwise, I agree the scenario is implausible.

The Nazis got the A-bomb first in this scenario, which could change things a great deal. Imagine the psychological impact of DC getting vaporized (presumably the Nazis also nuked Moscow, possibly London). The USSR would have had to have been taken out abruptly for the Nazis to win. I can buy this scenario more than

The second season is much faster paced and Juliana and Frank's characterizations improve. Joe still needs work.

So who's Pence? The Penguin? (yeah I can see that…)

He can try following them if he wants them to turn around and hiss! angrily!!!!

If only they had Star Trek translators, tragedies like this would not occur.

Now we're talking! This is the kind of episode I expect from this show, something completely out of left field. Of all the things you might do in Nazi Berlin, dropping acid with eco-hippies was not high on my list.

Hmm, probably not Speer…keep watching…

But I thought there's no cross burning in baseball!

Damn I already did that joke in a different thread! I'm looking forward to Lynch'd.

Is that the bucket featuring War Machine, Falcon and Black Panther grinning like maniacs?

In the case of A&E, can that be a stake through the heart?

All reality TV is like this, just fiction masquerading as fact.