
Reality TV producers probably think of what they're doing as fiction. The producers of The Man in the High Castle don't mind creating boatloads of Nazi paraphernalia for their show, so why should these guys?

Well now UnREAL has a great new topic for next season when the producers decide to ditch the kissy face romance crap in favor of a reality show about the American Nazi Party.

Has anyone mentioned Dexter yet? Four years of a great show then four years of waiting waiting WAITING for that great show to come back. Never did. That's what I get for falling in love with a psychotic sociopath!

Happy 2017, so when do we get new reviews of this show? I already finished and don't want to accidentally blurt out spoilers here….

I'm thinking it's simple replacement. The other Tagomi sounded like a depressed bigot, very different from "our" guy.

He jumps back and forth between realities. If Tagomi can do it, Abendsen certainly can. He's probably originally from a different reality or some such.

You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. I gave up OUAT in oh about the second season. Good concept for a while, but not one that can be sustained indefinitely.

It's interesting to wonder if alt-Tagomi was a bitter man, leading to his suicide, in the "good" reality because Japan lost the war? "Our" Tagomi had more reason to be bitter - he lost his family - but being part of the victorious Japanese empire, and then seeing all the horror that ensued, might have given him a

Stick with it. In season two, Juliana and Frank start acting smarter. Joe is still a twit. But I have high hopes for Season 3!

I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees Joe and thinks Anakin Skywalker.

Der Ubergröppenfrauer…I have a new name for our upcoming POTUS. Thanks!

Yeah I think the show itself implies that. Doesn't make a lot of sense otherwise. That does leave open an interesting possibility for one main character in particular…

I thought the writing was a bit errr…convenient is the word for it. The characters did what they did because the plot needed them to.

They seem believable to me. Actual resistance movements were probably a lot like this: run by the biggest badasses and most motivated people, not necessarily the most balanced people with the purest motives.

It's popular because we don't know what it's about. It's a guessing game. Might end up like Lost, running off a cliff, but it will be fun along the way. Too many shows go in the other direction, being too predictable and ordinary. I'm always up for something insane, at least to sample.

Just finished too. Hold onto yer butts everyone. Whooeee!

EVERYTHING is suspicious in the Reich. I'm sure they're all paranoid as fuck. In this particular case, the paranoid assumption is true.

Can't recall too much about this episode. Just seemed like setup for the next one…

Dancing with the Hoods
America's Next Grand Wizard
Duke Dynasty

I did some googling around. There are options: