
The real question is: is this a documentary (meaning an accurate depiction of something real) or reality TV (meaning garbage that creates a totally skewed and gimmicky version of reality)? Given A&E's track record, I'm not confident that we'd get the former. The latter is innocuous when it's about hoarders and ice

It's all in the execution. This could have been a respectable documentary about the KKK which would accurately depict its dysfunction and evil. But do we trust A&E to take that tack? Or would they create some kind of nauseating celebration of racism? Given their track record, it could go either way.

Look at the rest of A&E's lineup. It's brainless crap for rednecks. Did we trust them to make a respectable and non sleazy KKK documentary?

I think it says you gotta rate more stuff on Netflix because they are confused about you.

Go to My Account, change plan to "Watch on 1 screen at a time in Standard Definition" and it's still $7.99. Or opt for more screens and charge friends & family for sharing your account (which you can also do with one screen if you can coordinate times in a civilized manner). $11.95 is for 4 screens, divided by 4

But they cancelled Marco Polo, so sometimes good taste does intrude.

I don't want to live on the same planet as people who don't understand that Marco Polo was just as crappy in its own way as Fuller House. At least Netflix managed to cancel one of them.

The solution is obvious: when you see Fuller House darken your Netflix home page, rate it one stars. Netflix will take the hint. The same trick works well for Adam Sandler too.

The Man in the High Castle deserves a place pretty high on this list. BIG improvement this season (really just them capitalizing on what they set up, ponderously, last season).

If you loathed Walter, why wouldn't you also loathe Fring?

I did. It was awful from start to finish. But all that proves is that I'm not in the 20% for this show, see below for a full explanation of why Sense8 is the poster child for why Netflix will take over the world.

Its bad and cringeworthy unless you're in the audience that this is geared towards and then it's the best thing ever made.

I think we know his backstory. He was a good American soldier but when the Nazis triumphed, he nimbly switched sides and became a good Nazi soldier. He has committed many atrocities and it's useless to expect his redemption. After what he's done, the best he could expect is a swift execution with a bullet to the head.

That's ok, Trump will just substitute this group:

Where's Darth and his force-choke gimmick when you really need him, huh?

2017 will be lots better right?

The notion that stuff isn't available on demand and you have to wait for a "marathon"seems as bizarre as watching somebody ride a horse down a road. Hello it's the 21st Century. People, I swear…

Reverse here. I watched GoT for two seasons and got bored and quit. Definitely more interested in Westworld, but I want all the episodes to be up before starting my insane holiday killer robot binge (hmm good name for a band?)

Or they're an analyst whose reports go for $5000 each. What a racket.

Yep. But thats kind of annoying when a computer should be handling the math and subscriptions for us. Apple or Google, this is your cue.