
So basically you watch nothing good.

I have a list of interesting stuff I hear of, that I prune either by adding it to my Netflix queue eventually (even if I have to resort to DVD) or deleting it when it doesn't go to series after all. Might as well share it with yalls:

If you're producing content, things are good. If you're a streaming distributor with a global footprint or the chance to have one, things are very good. If you're a TV distributors (like FX), your days are numbered.

Oh well, just push your new favorites to the top of the queue. What is "good" is relative. If there are more good things, then your definition can get more restrictive. I'm ignoring stuff I'd have watched in previous years, and wondering why I ever bothered with that other stuff in the first place?

There isn't too much TV. As the choices expand while leisure time remains constant, viewers can just get pickier and pickier and find shows that more closely serve their specific individual tastes.

He could be a true believer when it comes to other people. Just not when it hits home. Very few people are true believers like that. I could see Kido killing his son if the Emperor demanded it, for instance. But he's a stone cold weirdo.

6 hours or so…but then there's the time difference, you'd lose 3 hours there.

When she met Joe's sort-of girlfriend, I think she assumed Joe wasn't really as unattached as he let on, and backed off fast. Juliana isn't the type to head-butt a romantic rival and she didn't actually have any serious relationship with Joe to begin with, more just natural chemistry that had no time to go anywhere.

I think this review really homed in on what frustrates people about this show: it defies the usual rules of fiction by not giving us characters who will forcefully act and at least attempt to shape the world to what they want it to be, but will merely try to survive and do so in a rather incoherent and blundering

How would it be possible that newsreels featuring the few main characters in this show would just happen to be available? Abendsen isn't swiping existing reels, he's either making them or they are being made for him by some mysterious process (the Will of the Force? Juliana sure seems to be talking like a Jedi lately).

Don't jinx it!

Okay so this is from the country where some doddering old lady with terrible taste in hats is the head of their state church?

Sounds credible to me.

The Great Bird of the Galaxy approves of this ruling.

A lot of things happened, it just took a some time to get there. They needed to do their 10 or 12 or whatever episodes while still pacing themselves for that Final Scene with Tagomi in the alt-SF (or real SF). Having read the book, I pretty much expected that had to be the final scene of the season, and they had to

It's still a mystery where they come from or even what they are. Images from alternate realities? Or future images about how their own reality will turn out? Must be the latter if it bothers them to see a nuked San Francisco. But how can Tagomi be going to a different reality circa 1962 if they don't exist in parallel

STID was just aggressively awful. STB wasn't quite that bad. It also wasn't very good, so that was a step up I suppose.

Agreed. That was maybe an ok movie compared with the last one but that's hardly a rousing endorsement.

Or subway tubes, which makes for a more fun mental image.

I agree. The movie wasn't trying to destroy capitalism but integrate it with labor into a system that is mediated and presumably controlled by The Heart, a strong leader whom everyone loves…hmm…believe it or not, Hitler was "The Heart" to the Nazis.