
The ending seemed to be pretty positive about the greedy capitalist bastards 9the head) which can work with the hand (labor) via the heart (Maria) and everyone will get along. That seems more like National Socialism than Marxism to me.

How about I Am Legend as a TV series. Hey they did zombies before zombies were cool, way back when they were still vampires and not (ugh) cannibals.

I didn't think Frank's crazy behavior was that hard to believe. Having lost everyone in his life except Ed, he's suicidal and doesn't much care if he lives or dies. So why not take insane risks to save Ed, or just take insane risks period?

I'm several episodes in. BIG improvement over last season, the plotline actually moves and the characters have direction. However, they are still aggravating in many ways. I'm starting to think that's intentional so don't expect that to change.

This episode was really good and raises all sorts of fascinating possibilities.

"I'll let you Google it" is in the same class of sage as advice as "don't bother using your turn signal" and "yes, please go down the dark stairs to the basement where the weird noises are coming from."

The Blade Runner teaser should have been 30 seconds of Harrison Ford trying and failing to make an origami unicorn, then throwing it on the floor and blasting it with his gun.

The one from the point of view of the half-white, half-black people? Or were the half-black, half-white people the racist ones?

Hogan's Heroes in Auschwitz, fulfilling the original vision before it was blanded down!

You're being too generous to the audience.

Because that's what the people want! The only damn movies that succeed now are the franchise blockbusters. If you're not DC/Marvel/StarWars/Pixar/JurrassicPark/JamesBond/Avatar, forget it. Netflix resurrects some horrible old show like Fuller House and it's a hit. Blech. People get what they deserve.

How is this show about ragtag warriors battling fascism at all? It's about the triumph of fascism, where some folks like John Smith have adapted successfully to their new reality, others like Frank might want to adapt but are being forced to confront the fact that this society doesn't want them (jn his case, being a

I've gotten thru episode 2, and there's a scene with Kido and a "hostess" where she says some very interesting things, if you tie it into other hints. This show may have some very grand ambitions to be way way more than alt-reality about the triumph of fascism.

Hmm, not sure about that…doesn't synch with what I've heard about Joe's father that he could have been in an American army unit, under any reality.

Huh, they're all there when I checked. Maybe the nature of reality is changing for you.

No jabroni? That's okay it always sounds like something on my pizza that I wish wasn't there.

They don't cuss. Hawaii is too happy and Alaskans vocal chords are frozen shut.

You just can't go wrong with motherfathersisterBROTHER when you drop something heavy on your toe.

I'm loving it. But the 3 main characters are frustrating if you expect them to come out with guns blazing to restore freedom to America like we all want. They're confused, cowardly, do self-defeating things and basically take the plotline in loops. They act like they have PTSD, which is not unexpected for people

I'm loving it. But the 3 main characters are frustrating if you expect them to come out with guns blazing to restore freedom to America like we all want. They're confused, cowardly, do self-defeating things and basically take the plotline in loops. They act like they have PTSD, which is not unexpected for people