
The Reich is trying to do that! Might take a nuke or two.

Was I the only one cringelaughing at the pledge of allegiance scene? I guess the damn election is good for one thing!

How could I forget, I just discovered Kolchak: The Night Stalker on Netflix! which is leaving the end of the month. Good thing only a handful of the episodes are actually worth watching. Hasn't aged well, sadly…


I couldn't hack the writing. I gotta have good writing or I'm just not motivated to keep going.

Don't be embarrassed, I gave up on The Simpsons around S3 (watched the Halloween episodes for years afterwards though). Just too damn much you know?

I finally got around to watching Six Feet Under and starting in on The Sopranos. And with that, I will finally catch up with my HBO, just in time to start in on Westworld…

If only.

Check out what Amazon did to their interface. It will make Netflix look so much better.

Nah 2Casa2Blanca was the ultimate.

Or inside the US. Netflix's licensed stuff is pretty crappy. There's a few good things, Sunny and Bates Motel, but it gets swamped by a tsunami of garbage.

Kolchak: The Night Stalker is leaving too.

Good idea for a guest alien badass queen with some crazy outfit and big hair (which may or may not be elaborate antlers). Remember there will be plenty of roles for recurring and one-off characters.

Fingers crossed. So far the cast seems to indicate there is intelligent life at CBS or at least among the folks they hire to make their shows.

So when do the alt-right morons start their protest? Or have they long since given up on Star Trek which is the bleeding heart librul one, as opposed to Star Wars, which is supposed to be the white-guy-master-race fascist one but is now being wrecked by having too much Star Trek mixed in?

The left ear, the right ear and the final front ear.

Well they do look similar and not just being the same race. They should hire Wiley to play Martin-Green's evil space pirate sister.

Isn't THIS place grad school? No wonder it's taking me so long to get my degree.

He didn't say to ask non-humans about the captain.

Maybe her brother Tyreese can pay her a visit when the USS Discovery visits Anderson Station.