
Lucky you, ps it sucks.

Uh no. It's tech and agriculture. Nice try, Trumpie. (Since when is the military a profit center anyway?)

The watchlist thing threw me, too. That should be the home page, and searching for content is subordinate to that (particularly since I already have the three or so shows worth watching on my watchlist now. But Amazon upgrading their content is another matter.)

I'm in Cali! Our economy is bigger than France's now. Time to shuck all the welfare queen states (the red ones of course). We'd be a freaking pot-smoking tech powerhouse on our own.

I'm sure there's a little "pot" present as well.

Nah, the trend is for countries to keep dividing like amoebas. Scotland's gonna give it another go.

Yep. My Netflix queue keeps growing like a cancerous tumor, but I'm struggling to find anything to watch on Amazon. Once I burn thru the Sopranos and watch this seasons' Man in the High Castle, I'm gone for another year.

Oh is that why they messed up their interface? Just noticed last night. Its nice to see them trying but geeze guys get a Netflix subscription and just copy them. The scanning feature in particular is piss poor.

They're just trolling us.

Also I don't think fans much care for the Kelvin Timeline and the vast majority of normal humanoids who might watch this aren't aware there's a difference.

I'm holding out hope for Captain Garth of the USS Discovery! Played by Lee Pace.

Patience. If this show is a hit (and Netflix handling it outside the US and Canada will make it a hit there if nowhere else) then we'll get a cavalcade of Trek, a la the Marvel shows.

Good news for Pratt, bad news for Evans!

Pay that man more!

I can already see things shaping up here..Doug Jones and Anthony Rapp will be the "Data and Geordi" characters who are charming pals that the audience loves…

That joke is truly without honor!

Not originally. And remember notables like Martok, Gowron and the whole Duras clan? White actors.

That's Doug Jones' pet Spot who he writes poems to and gets pregnant. I mean the dog gets pregnant, not that Doug Jones has anything to do with it! Well hmm this is on streaming…

I'm putting in a request for an alien species I've wanted to see again for a long time: Medusans! Imagine an energy-based species that is benign and good Federation citizens but can accidentally drive matter-based life forms insane. They could walk around encased in body suits to simplify performance by actors. They'd

I can see they've got the right idea in casting Klingons! Particularly like Mary Chieffo. She'll put the Duras Sisters to shame.