
Why not?

This has sure flown under the radar. I heard about it eons ago and then figured Netflix had quietly squashed it. Curious to check it out.

Followed by OB, the tampon series. (Or is this site too male to get that?)


The Trumpies think of themselves as oppressed underdogs so they probably identify with the Rebellion too as long as they are all white males.

Ah nobody will notice if some fake furrin money gets changed.

I intend to protest every Star Wars movie not blessed by the gorgeous presence of Oscar Isaac.

Wasn't there a Nude Planet during the first two seasons of TNG, when Roddenberry was still screwing things up?

There's a boomlet in space dramas right now. The Expanse on SyFy, Star Trek and Lost in Space on streaming, and something from Seth McFarlane on Fox. So I guess Seth will put the space-dramas-can't-cut-it-on-broadcast theory to the test.

When was the last time we had a TV series about colonizing an alien planet? There are plenty of space opera series, but they're usually going boldly all over the place. I'm ready for another space colony series. I'm ready for more boing boldly series too. Beats another damn cop show.

My quatloos say she survives till the final episode of the season, THEN gets offed.

They changed her surname to Georgieu or some such. Sounds Greek. So maybe somebody realized their mistake.

DS9 was much better than TNG. No reason DSC can't beat DS9. if they try, they should make something reasonably watchable regardless.

If there's one franchise out there (and isn't everything franchises now) that transcends any time and place, it's Star Trek.

How about stop recommending stuff with a predicted rating of one or two stars? Does Netflix hate me and wants me to watch bad stuff that will make me suffer? I always envision Netflix cackling maniacally and gloating over the trap it has laid for me…why am I paying for this?

I give it 100% odds CBS will fulfill their lucrative contract with Netflix and since they're making the show anyway, why not show it on their own streaming service too?

Netflix's license alone could fund production of the series indefinitely and probably spinoffs too once it's a huge honking hit on Netflix which of course it will be. This show is about as much of a sure thing as a TV show ever is.

CBS needs to get its streaming service working. They've seen the trend lines in audiences (especially younger ones that advertisers care about) fleeing broadcast. Cable will follow. CBS needs to get its lifeboat afloat before the Titanic collapses. The lifeboat is the USS Star Trek because what the heck else are they

Separate coffins, maybe. Waa waaa waaaaaaaa.

Emerald City looks like a mess and the lead has no charisma. Insta-flop.