
Oh yeah well I'm even later and I wanted Michael Emerson.

Some of those I never even heard about but there's one genuinely interesting movie among all the dross: The Free State of Jones. Not perfect, it gets kind of choppy at the end and starts using subtitles to carry the story instead of dramatizing it properly (maybe it should have been a miniseries if they had too much

Mad Men is one of the few that I might rewatch because the appeal is so little about plot twists and mysteries and so much about just being in the moment, watching the acting and the costumes and sets and the whole thing. That never loses appeal. But most shows are more about plot twists and mysteries to hold the

There's so much watchable TV now that it would be easier to say what shows I DO plan to rewatch someday…if the tsunami of shows ever slows down….the original Star Trek and DS9 top the list. After that, it gets pretty fuzzy. I just keep those on my Netflix queue on indefinite hold. Oh yeah, and I also plan to rewatch

That was my favorite! Focusing on the kids was a breath of fresh air for that show. The newspaper one was the most boring for me.

And it suffers from that fiendishly clever Cylon plan they made a big deal about early on but you know what there never was a plan. Pretty grating when you realize it was all a bait and switch.

The first season was a carefully crafted joy to watch. I rewatched that, but I know better than to continue. It just wasn't the same afterwards. Basically they just coasted on the terrific characters they had created, but the clever plotting was history.

I loved watching Lost but will never watch it again. The whole fun is in the evolving experience; it doesn't make a lick of sense in retrospect! Although I might watch it if some maniac re-edited the whole damn thing in chronological order, starting with Goddess Alison Janney putting seashells in her hair.

"A more whacked out Pushing Daisies." You just described my ideal show!

Looks like I have a new favorite Netflix series!

Paramount doesn't have a say in this.

I'll pay $12 for the whole run. I'll just wait till the whole season is up, hoover it up and cancel. Unless CBS has other stuff to keep me around but unless they really get crackin', I'm not holding my breath.

They didn't watch DS9, Voyager or especially Enterprise. Maybe they like the big-budget eye candy but that doesn't translate to TV.

I'd rather give CBS $12 for ad-free Star Trek after the episodes are all up than suffer through what the CW would do to it.

He believes in it. He believes it will be a success on streaming.

I'd be willing to bet serious money that the show you described would be a flop on broadcast. Ya know why? Because broadcast doesn't have an audience anymore. People don't sample new shows because they don't even hear about them. Everyone is abandoning broadcast for streaming.

They're going to compete with Netflix with their own streaming service called CBS All Access, that's what. Why do you think they're even bothering to make Star Trek? The Titanic is sinking and the liferaft is the USS Discovery.

There are successful space based shows on broadcast now? I suspect you are talking about fantasy - Grimm, Supernatural - very different from a space based show, which is more expensive and appeals to a nichier audience.

Broadcast can't afford to take any more chances. Their business is collapsing out from under them. Even the solid stuff that used to work for them guaranteed is now failing. Their audience is leaving for streaming. Soon they will have no business left at all. Streaming is the lifeboat and they're scrambling now.

Yeah that sucks but CBS wasn't ever going to make Star Trek exclusively for their rival, Netflix. They want to use Netflix's licensing money to leverage themselves into competition. Netflix for their part figures CBS's streaming service will fail and then they'll get Star Trek everywhere.