
Syndication is dead. The TV business is changing rapidly. Any example from more than about 3 years ago is irrelevant. Even that is being generous.

Oh he knows. He knows broadcast is failing and they need to scramble for the lifeboats of streaming. The only way he's clueless is that they should have figured this out years ago. It's pretty late to be making moves now. Their attempts at a streaming service are likely to fail long term while broadcast fails as well

Broadcast TV isn't cutting it on broadcast TV. People should take a look at the trend lines, they are disastrous. The under-49 crowd (the ones advertisers care about) are abandoning broadcast and have been for years. Broadcast is rapidly becoming an untenable business model.

I don't care if an anime character is white. They tend to look white or at least racially ambiguous anyway. I care that this looks like derivative boring crap.

Only if the villain is played by the Orange One himself. Let's face it, it'll take 6 months for him to get sick of the whole president thing and look around for another gig.

Ok fine I'll be pedantic. Tangerines got their name by being from Tangier, a city in Morocco. I have now done my humorless duty to this place.

Even looking at the popular vote, it's effectively tied. It shouldn't even be close. How can anyone stomach voting for a racist, sexist, xenophobic demagogue/professional con artist? How can anyone even believe a word he says? It's like Satan made a bet with God, "point at the worst candidate you can think of, I'll

Well, add in something about how scared, angry people without college educations and who can't survive in the winner-take-all digital economy are easy prey for a demagogue and I'll buy into this.

Well, add in something about how scared, angry people without college educations and who can't survive in the winner-take-all digital economy are easy prey for a demagogue and I'll buy into this.

Yep, if you have the patience to stick with it. The whole first season basically just sets up the premise. They spin their wheels some because they need to mark time till that final scene of the season. After that, the story can start.

Fun for the whole family!

Just wait till people start fighting over not cleaning out the lint trap in the laundry room. Then you will know true horror!

Poe: "The dark side makes it hard to kill m…oh wait that's right you switched sides. Let's make out and forget I said anything!"

It's understandable. When the script was written, nobody knew that the actor playing Poe would elevate the character to regular status based on charisma alone. With a different actor, Poe really would have been disposable.

Nope, the actor who played Boba Fett (who was he, even?) didn't elevate the character to regular status on charisma alone. That was the opposite case, people just filling in some coolness factor because they didn't see an actor there.

Because of Oscar Isaac. Otherwise, he would have been a throwaway character that might as well have stayed dead.

Because we have fun inventing zanier explanations. Yeah I know he won't be a secret Sith double agent but wouldn't that be cool…????

He survived only because he's a secret Sith double agent!

Does it have cowboy and hooker robots who come to life and slaughter the guests?

Well here's a plot point for the Twin Peaks revival or an entire season of American Horror Story.